hard to gain weight

June 11, 2012 2:29pm CST
hello mylotters, could you give me some ideas how to gain weight?i tried already some vitamins but i'm still skinny and small.
6 responses
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Hello adorablelucia82 You are fortunate that you are the member of the myLot, especially with your weight concerns. I suggest that you sit at the computer all day, never exercise, and continually eat the junk foods, such as the peanut butter, butter, whole milk, chocolate, peanut M&M's, plain M&M's, drink the sodas with the lots of sugar. Reeses Cups. Doughnuts. These kinds of things will be great for you, especially if you sit and to the myLot all the time.
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@yoniarnon (1079)
• Israel
11 Jun 12
I am sorry but i am so not agree with you. Actually i think it is the opposite You should do a gain wight diet that will include a lot of carbons like potatoes, pasta, dough, bread. But don't it just junk food it is bad even to skinny people. And to gain muscles wight and not just fat you should do some gym exercise, but on the strength way and not on the running way
• United States
11 Jun 12
Hello yoniarnon You are free to disagree with me! In fact, I do not disagree with your theory. However, the person who posted this Discussion simply asked how to gain weight. They did not put any parameters on the Discussion, so this is one way to do so. If a person sits around, doesn't exercise, and eats poorly, they will very likely gain weight.
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12 Jun 12
Hello yoniarnon and page turner, thanks to your advices but my problem is i don't love to eat like in between meals. Once I took meals like break fast, lunch and dinner my stomach is already full then my appetite will not looking anymore for any food after meal. I am already contented with the food I ate in every meal. If I force to eat more my stomach will be aching. I don't like also sweets food like chocolates, cakes etc. i don't like also pasta and bread.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jun 12
hi adorablelucia82! be thankful you are skinny and small naturally....thousands of people (maybe more) in the world are doing crazy and dangerous things to try to look like you! enjoy it while you can....because if you are not forty yet, once you have hit that happy lifemark, you may not have to worry about being skinny and small anymore!
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12 Jun 12
I'm still 30 yrs. old,yeah i think you are right,I don't need to worry about how to gain weight as long as i stay healthy and no health problem that's enough.thank you psychoartist.
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@usemyname (640)
• Philippines
11 Jun 12
You can try drinking protein shakes daily. Ask your local pharmacist about it, she knows what's best for you. I think your metabolism is fast, which others would see as blessing than a curse. What you can do is keep up the pace. Eat a little bit more than the amount of food you usually ingest. But think healthy. Forget junkfoods. Homemade meals would be perfect.
12 Jun 12
thank you usemyname, I really appreciate your advice. I eat junkfoods but it's only little it depends on the product also. I love more homemade meals that's best for me.
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Jun 12
I have trouble gaining and keeping weight. So what I do is eat a lot of protein and irons. I never take vitamins unless pregnant like I am right now. I also have in the past when I really need to gain weight I drank some protein drinks that you can get at the store. I've always gone with store brand because it's cheaper and it taste just as good as a brand name one. Also increase how many times you eat in a day time does help as well. i eat every 2 to 3 hours to keep my energy up as well as keep myself from burning of the fat that will be used to grain weight. Milk whole milk has a lot of fat in it.
• Philippines
11 Jun 12
What is it with people having trouble gaining weight? Seriously, what have you done since your childhood that made you what you are today? While other people are finding solutions to lose weight, you're doing the exact opposite. I want to know because I also want to have an active metabolism, just like you.=)
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
12 Jun 12
some people have trouble gaining weight because of there metabolism since childhood a lot as change for me. Yes I did a lot of sports so I was not only under weight because my body couldn't keep fat but also because I was so active. Now I'm a mom I still eat the same things I did as a child but I do have to increase who much I eat when I eat. So pretty much because of genetics that is key for me I'm not that active as I was a child or teen. What you do eat will affect your metabolism so stay way from grease food, that will slow down your system. Milk does help unless you lactose intolerance like adorablelucia then you have to find other foods. Any food with high protein in it will help. Rice, whole grains not wheat will gain you gain. things with empty calories will too but it's not that good for you. Eggs, potatoes, red meat. If you want to be more active then do it, walking,running 30, 45 minutes a day will help.
12 Jun 12
Thank you shybear88. I can't drink milk because i have a lactose intolerance.
12 Jun 12
Well,you are so lucky,because you don't need to lose weight,now many people want to find a good way to lose weight,and you need to gain weight.i think that gain weight is much easier than lose weight,as long as you eat more good,high-calorie foods,reduce training time,and soon you will gain weight.
12 Jun 12
yeah you are right. thanks yimsiupang. have a nice day.
@Lorden (348)
• South Africa
11 Jun 12
Well first of all, I can't believe anybody wants to gain weight. Of course, a few visits to Mcdonalds may help :) Don't really do that though; that's not good fat to gain. Perhaps you should just eat more of all the good foods, and if it's really just size you want and not fat, maybe bulk up a bit at the gym.
12 Jun 12
yeah, you are right. thanks lorden. I am just wondering why it's hard for me to gain weight. I consulted the doctors then they said this is my natural body and I don't need to worry about. there's no problem also about my health according to them . I am just small.