Role Model

June 12, 2012 9:54am CST
I guess everyone has his or her role models in life . As for me the role model was my mother since she was intelligent ,unselfish,devoted and very honest in nature. She is about the only women in my personally life that I have deep admirations for and she influenced me on just almost every scope of life. Even though my dad has always been a very nice daddy to us and he is also a very good father ,I have to admit that I just simply do not have such an admiration and deep respect for him the same way as I had for my mom. I am wondering what caused this difference... Is there any underlying reason for this preference ?? What's the story concerning this issue on your side ? Please share with us.
2 responses
• Canada
12 Jun 12
Perhaps this is because.. and I am just making an guess or idea here... But it's possible that you have a deeper respect for you're mother because you no longer have her. You're father is still here and he's still great right? but maybe on a certain level you might resent the fact that he is here and you're mother is not. Just a thought:) In the end it is something that you need to ask for you're self, but hey I am sure you are not the only one facing this question.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
12 Jun 12
I am not close to neither my mom or my dad but I do have high respect for them especially for my father. I have seen every effort he did to support his family waking up at four in the morning to start his day. I also admire his character because he is known to be a happy person. Very responsible. He rarely gets angry. He always says positive things about anything. And most of all, he makes us proud. He only reached the third grade but he always speaks as if he knows the answer for every question. When I was still young, I hoped that I would find someone like him in the future.
• China
12 Jun 12
The greatest possession of all is to have such a father in your life,right? Congratulations, paper_doll!