Is rich people always superior?

Guangzhou, China
June 14, 2012 2:49am CST
We usually heard that in real life rich people can do many things and they will help poor people if they want. Seems that it's the rich people who usually show helpfulness since they have the power to help. But does it mean that rich people are supeior to poor people forever? Yes, they have millions, they can eat nice food, they can buy love, and they can make themselves famous. That seems heartbreaking that rich people always catch the world's attention.But when will the poor people show themselves a while? If they get the chance, do they have things that worth a show? Will the poor be inferior for ever?
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9 responses
@aribdee (133)
• United States
14 Jun 12
Being rich is a big advantage to the world. You can do what you want and enjoy everything you have and i disagree about what you said in your post about the rich buying love. No, they can't buy love but they can have boys/girls but not their love. Everyone have the right to show off and not even the rich people can stop that ;)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Jun 12
Thanks a lot for giving me a new idea.Most people cmplaint that rich people should be hated as they nearly got everything under the sun and they look down uopn poor people.But have we thought that how did they become rich? Some achieved that through inheritance, but most of the millionares or billionares got rich by hard working and gift-exploring!Then why don't poor people use brains and work hard? So I begin to believe that if the truth is that rich people is superior, they deserve it.Some rich ones are evil, but they are not superior. "Superior" may equals "noble" even.Thanks again!
@yansky23 (404)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
Money is power. So I think they are superior in a way that they are more capable of doing what they want. They can travel to many places, influence people and get the most elegant things they want. But to a spiritual standpoint, no they are not more superior than the poor people. When they die,no matter how wealthy they are, they will still die. Actually,the poor has the tendency to be closer to God. So I think, everyone is equal in the eyes of the Lord.
@tedifa (1232)
• Indonesia
15 Jun 12
That was wrong opinion i guess, superior i think is not look by how much money that someone has, but how that people doing some good activities for poor people such as sharing and give the favor when somebody need it.I'm not sure rich people can life with comfort,most of them still wanna something and i think it's just waste the money, better if they're sharing with poor people or build some social foundation..
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
15 Jun 12
In this real world, indeed the rich is far more famous, they always get attention from others than poor people. For me, I am kind of poor people, and I certainly got no attention from anybody's else. I wish that I want to be rich too, and I want to be superior above others too. But the path to achieve financial success just a tough one. I must work far more harder than others.
@alutka (211)
14 Jun 12
In fact, wealthy people are seen as the lucky, but is it really? I think always and in all things moderation to be had, nice to have cash, but also nice to be able to share it, then not only happy others, but you are the happier.
• India
14 Jun 12
Yes rich are superior but only with respect to money. The poor are not inferior for ever.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
14 Jun 12
Well rich individuals have superior resources right at their disposal. Things that they can use in their attempt to really better the lives of someone. Now whether it is to better the lives of themselves or others, that depends on their own personal character and choices a lot of the time. However, if one has the resources, they can really do a lot. It's really not up to me to condemn anyone for choosing not to help anyone. Because until we are in that situation, until we have the money, until we have to make the choice, we never will consider what we have to do. There are just times where green can lead to greed and we stop seeing what we might be able to do for others, rather what we can do for ourselves.
@zhihao12 (363)
• Singapore
14 Jun 12
Being rich is a form of superiority itself so yes, rich people is always superior in this aspect. However, being superior in this aspect does not make them superior to poor people on all grounds. Poor people may be superior on other aspects such as values.
@bLadeee (403)
• Philippines
14 Jun 12
You may say that rich are always at the top and yes, thy can be superior but they can't have everything they want. On the other hand, you can't tell that poor people will be poor forever, maybe they can't eat what rich people eat, wear clothes that rich people wear, buy stuffs that most rich people bought, they are all material things that money can buy but let me ask, are rich people contented in their life? Of course not, since if you're going to watch news or read articles even them have their own problems that they can't handle easily.