A lifelong promise .

June 19, 2012 10:52am CST
We make promises in life and some of them we tend to forget easily as the time goes on but still there are some other promises that we may never forget. There is one promise which I made several years still has its postion in my mind and I can even remember the exact wording of it very well. It's made just after the funeral of my decased mom and I made it to my father when I was ready to leave my hometwon and go back to my work. My father us a farmer and he can not get any pension or insurance of any sorts from the government ,so his senior years of life is totally dependent of the 3 kids he raised up . It could be very insecure in his mind when the old age approaches and it could be very lonely for him to leave alone without the company of my mom, so had a short talk with my father and told him not to worry about his futures years. I promised to him that although we could not ensure him a very luxurious life for his senior years but we would certainly meet his every basic need in his latter life. Over the years I have tried my best to follow my promise and my dad is pretty contend with his stable life. What about you , my friends? Have you ever made any promises that keeps you remember of your responsibilites??
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6 responses
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
19 Jun 12
Hello 19jasmine73 It is good of you to take care of your father as you are able in his senior years. I imagine that he has gained much peace of mind from your promise to him regarding this. I made a similar promise to myself in taking care of my father. I only wish that he was still around to care for, and that I had been able to take better care of him so that he was still alive.
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• China
19 Jun 12
The process of life is irreversible,so please do take good care of those beloved ones including yourself !
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• United States
19 Jun 12
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@Lorden (348)
• South Africa
19 Jun 12
I think promises are like emotions; you make them when you feel like you need or want to make them. But like emotions, any resolutions change to a whole collection of something else. I'm very glad that you decided to keep your promise to your father. I take my hat off to you; promising to forever take care of someone may be a hard promise to keep, because you never know if you yourself will always have plenty to give away.
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• China
19 Jun 12
Piety is one part of traditional Chinese culture and I think every Chinese has this feature to some extent but to verbalize that out as a promise is more difficult than just to value it secretly in your heart because it gives the people who gave the promise no way of retreating. Lorden, what's the biggest promise you have ever made??
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@Lorden (348)
• South Africa
19 Jun 12
The biggest promise I have ever made? I think the biggest promise was to myself. I promised myself I would finish a lifelong project that tells a very special story. This however is not an easy promise to keep, because of my particular situation, where I find myself, and what I can afford. I do still intend to keep it though. Come hell or high water. But, what I'll gain from keeping it in my lifetime, is anyone's guess.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
20 Jun 12
Promises...they are in fact meant to be kept.Otherwise there is little truth in making promises. Nowadays people quite often make vile promises not realizing how difficult it would be for them to keep it in good faith. Promises should necessarily be firm and should reflect the true intention of the taker in question.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 Jun 12
My situation is the opposite. Many years ago I promised my parents I'd care for them in their latter years. I intend to keep that promise. My dad passed away this past November leaving behind my ill mother whom I've been caring for since before dad passed and will continue to until her last days. She has Social Security to rely on but it's not enough to make it so my brother and I help her monetary wise and I do everything else, such as clean her house, run her errands, pay her bills, help her with her bathing or what not. I've no problem doing so and will do it till she's no more. Another thing, when I make a promise, I intend to keep it if it kills me! A promise is a promise which is to be kept! It's especially important for kids! If you promise a child something, you better be sure to keep that promise or the child will never trust again!
• China
20 Jun 12
You are a great daughter,I'd say! And I agree with you on the matter that we should keep whatever promises we made in the past and be very careful in making promises. For me promises are reality based and they need to be achievable. Best wishes!
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@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
19 Jun 12
I made my promise to my mother that I will take care of her when she get old and give her monthly medications. Also I made a promise to my husband to take care of him as long as I can and never left him down. So far I am doing my best to do what I've been promise to them and hoping that they will appreciate it.
• China
20 Jun 12
You are a devoted daughter and a caring wife and I hope you take good care of your own needs too. More often than now good deeds are well received by others and they appreciate those good doers .
• Bangladesh
19 Jun 12
Hi jasmine, peace be on your moms soul. would we be able to compensate our parents debt even by promising a luxerius life for them. Have not they raised up us with their heart felt love an care and with most hardship?
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• China
20 Jun 12
Even though I know that my parents deserve a luxurious promise but I am just reality oriented. I do not want to promise anything I can not follow through...Thanks for you response and enjoy your life!