All Rich People are blessed?

@tweetyfe (191)
June 21, 2012 3:40am CST
Blessed in terms of financial,but spiritualy weak. One rich man you make a suicide because he cannot feel the caring and loving with the family.
7 responses
@viji_v2 (727)
• India
21 Jun 12
I don't think only having more money wont be called as Rich. Having high qualities, good attitude, more talented are also rich in that category. Every person wont have everything in their life. When one is excessive, other will be lost. We have to accept it and have to lead the life.
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
25 Jun 12
correct but the topic is rich people are blessed? many people will satisfied for all this thing we received day by day in life. Caracter is most functional and tradional all over the country, you meet poor and rich people what do you feel if gather both?
@viji_v2 (727)
• India
25 Jun 12
No is my answer. It seemed to be they are enjoying but they are not.
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
28 Jun 12
definitely yes, all rich people are not blessed, sometimes people are not satisfied for what things he received.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
4 Jul 12
hi, You are very right. Rich people do have a lot of money but there are more important things in this beautiful world which they miss to enjoy.
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
17 Jul 12
exactly because money is important to all people in the world, this is the asset of rich people buy anything you want.
@ChoukseyMK (1045)
• India
21 Jun 12
it is true. rich people are always blessed. whatever they touch that turns into gold. God likes rich people. God gifts them more and more wealth. if so such wealth should be spent for cause.
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
25 Jun 12
hi chouksey all people God's like, but God given the freedom to choose, choose for being a rich or poor, why? I believe rich people hardearned money.
@GemmaR (8517)
21 Jun 12
I think that money is a blessing if you know how to use it to improve your life. However, there is a chance that you could use the money to simply buy things that you think you want, without really thinking about whether you do want them or not. Just having possessions will not make you happy, but there are a lot of people who seem to think that it does and that is why a lot of people who have money are unhappy. I know that if I had money I would use it wisely to be able to get the things that would make my family and I happy.
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
2 Jul 12
yes money is a blessing to continues daily life and also improve your lifestyle, and to help to buy anything you want that you make me happy and your family. People are blessed in many things, good health are blessing and happy family and many mores.
• India
21 Jun 12
All the rich people are not blessed with what they need and what they want. There may be many things a rich man lack. So he or she may not be blessed. The blessings are given by the god if he is true and honest to himself.
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
22 Jun 12
Yes exactly what they said, the poor and rich people are blessed for being happy in our life, the satisfaction always be there and accept all blessing from God, if they sick thank God, every people are blessed if they appreciate all blessing given from God.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
2 Jul 12
Hi, Money is necessary for fulfillment of our dreams but we should not be selfish and greedy for money. We need for the basic needs. Love and relations are more important than money. If it is not so then the all rich men would be happy and there are no worries for them. They always give importance to money than the family.
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
yes i agree the more we have a lot of money to more to buy anything you want to fullfill your daily needs, but money is important to our basic daily needs, so the richest people are blessed unlike the poor people, but the important things is happiest moment with your family, but the question is how about the poor or squater people the prayer is to buy food to survived.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
21 Jun 12
Blessed in terms of finances. But you never know what else they have been "blessed" or "not blessed" with. Perhaps they have a terminal disease or something. But in general, I would say yes. A lot of us out there are struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes I day dream about what it would be like to be born into a "rich" family, and what kind of person that would make me be. I think having to work hard for your money and to stay afloat, well, it adds character. So I don't think I would have it any other way. Would you?