TextBroker is Adding Expert Teams

@Lukkyr (67)
United States
June 27, 2012 1:09pm CST
If you go to the TextBroker.com website you can see that they are enhancing the income opportunity by making some of the writers Experts and arranging them in Expert Teams. The writers who are Experts will get paid more per article. If you get the newsletter there is more about it in the newsletter. Good luck.
3 responses
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
1 Jul 12
That is good news for many writers who rely on Textbroker to pay the bills. I know of many writers who write mainly for Textbroker, so that they have enough money to pay the bills. After they have earned the amount they needed, they would write and post articles in some writing sites for passive income. It is good of Textbroker to encourage writers to give their best effort, and to let them have the opportunity to earn more. If only Textbroker can open the opportunities to international writers, that will be even better.
@abhi_bangal (4433)
• Ahmednagar, India
1 Jul 12
I think these are serious opportunities; the budding experts should try to grab. If you think you are the expert in the field and can review work done by others, there should not be anything stopping you. I had heard that there was similar opportunity for the Factoidz writers as well. Am I right?
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
28 Jun 12
I received the newsletter today but just like when Textbroker started hiring editors it was just for 4 and 5 star writers. It sounds good but only the best writers gets a shot at those jobs.