Contentment is the KEY to HAPPINESS

@sharksfin (1091)
July 9, 2012 2:54am CST
There are many people who have been given the luxuries of life and yet can't still feel happiness. Wanting more and more and more just often leads to MORE work. Without contentment, whatever you may have achieved in life won't ever be enough. You would still want more and the next thing you know, you haven't really fully enjoyed the things you already have acquired. Because your eyes are fixed into achieving the next things in your list or the next thing your eyes see. It's hard to live desiring so many things that material gains become the reason why we do the things we do. As the Bible says, "Godliness with contentment is great gain". It's true. It means a lot to be content in whatever situation you're in. Nothing is permanent in this world. You have a lot today and tomorrow, everything that you have can be gone in a snap. People who lost their houses in places where tornadoes just appear without warning know what I mean. So, I believe that if we are content and if just accept that fate -- good and bad -- simply happens, we can be truly happy in this chaotic and unpredictable world. Happy week ahead!
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4 responses
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
I agree with you. Contentment is one of the keys to happiness. Being contented with what we have and accept things as it is. I always believe that happiness is a choice. It starts from with us and does not depend on anyone or anything but our self.
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@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
True. Happiness is a choice. It doesn't come from outside but from the inside out. It radiates from how we feel inside then it becomes evident to others. Let us keep a content attitude.
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@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
9 Jul 12
I agree with you, Shylade. Happiness is within ourselves.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
The only drawback to whatever you said in your discussion is the fact that as Human beings, our wants are insatiable. I mean, I don't know if you notice it yourself, but whenever you want something and get it, you'd be wanting for something else or something more. So, it would take a lot for someone to just feel contented of what he/she already has. One good example is that of our day-to-day lives. We work, we try hard to provide for the family. Let's just say here in Mylot. We will never be content of posting 1 post a day, perhaps it's not because of greed, but we'd want to reach payout. When we reach payout, we want to double it. It's not because we need to reach payout, it's because we want to reach it. If we really wanted money, we'd not be stuck here earning pennies, now wouldn't we? hehehe.. Another one. Let's say one person loses weight. It will not be enough, soon he'd be thinking of losing more! Well, you just try the activity for yourself. You'll see that even though it's written in the Bible, it's the toughest thing to do - to be content. Worst is the fact that you're not living under a rock, you're living in a real work with real people and with real temptations with lots and lots of motivation to not be satisfied and content! hahahaha... Have a great MyLot experience ahead!
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@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
I do understand your point, Laydee. And true enough it's innate in us. Why do I continue posting more and more here on MyLot? It's because am trying to make this the source of a greater good -- charity. I don't strive to earn bigger for myself or for my own desires alone. I have people in mind to help. And, that is the fulfillment I get. And, there is nothing wrong with that desire. What makes discontentment wrong is when you don't anymore know how to stop. When you're already filled with greed. When you're all about I want this that and that and that and that. An endless lusting on every material gain. Yes, it's a tough thing to do. And never did I mention twas easy. But, it only takes careful examination of ourselves. Why do we do the things we do in the first place? I had already come to that point. I grew up in a well-off family. When I left the house, it became tough for me but I learned contentment. I learned to be content with whatever is set before me. I didn't aim higher just because I want this or that gadget or more clothes and shoes. I aim high because there are hungry people in the streets to feed. Thanks for your insight.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
9 Jul 12
We have the "heart", "mind" and "sense". Happiness is the production of our sense.
@nathan27 (34)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
contentment is an exciting topic to discuss yet we also look the advantages and disadvantages on it. first advantages for being contented for what you have, really accept and enjoy every now and then on what you achieve now or what you in yourself on in your family. disadvantages is you keep on achieving the one on the top of your, knowing that what you have now is the best. sometimes we have to discipline ourselves that is better than never.