I need "Me Time"

@Zhizho (1350)
July 11, 2012 7:42am CST
Hi mylotters. Sometimes we need spend time for own self. Maybe for mom like me who have little kids i spent most of my time everyday to take care household. cleaning house, cooking, washing and many task at home. I feel, i have no time for my self untill my kids sleep at night. My kids are active and i think that i must keep watch them. especially my little girl 16 months old. I did not say that i disappointed this condition but is it proper that i would like to have some hours for my self? I have planning to shopping or go to salon but i will feel guilty to do that. what do you do for "me time" guys? share here please. Thankyou
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4 responses
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 12
i can understand your situation.. my sister feels like yours..she had a cute kids (maybe 6-7 months now the baby old)..and sometimes the mother of baby want to go to the mall..maybe because they are boring in the daily routine..but i believe that it is only refreshing when your mind and focus had been spent totally for your kids..right??
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 12
yeah zhizho...it is naturall..maybe mylot and facebook, involving in some great discussion can reduce boring rate in your daily life
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 12
Thanks adhyz. nice to know that you can understand my condition. maybe Sometimes i feel emotion. I must be thanks to God for this. God has given me time for enjoying how feel busy to take care them because no every woman have the time. they have no kids and missing so much to feel busy like me.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
11 Jul 12
I am a father, but I can feel what you feel. I think everyone needs time to himself, so that a proper balance. When our daughter was little, my wife took turns caring. Thus, my wife had time to himself, though for a few hours.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 12
Nice to know you response this topic mr HSofyan. I should be know that my situation now will not back twice. I must really use this moment and enjoying to take care my kids. They need me not but as we know when they are teenager they will spend their time with friend. So, i will be patience. I can not imagine that they will not need more. wish they grow being healthy and nice children always.
@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 12
It is great time for you to have such s small baby. I remember having a baby. My wife and I were busy takinh care of her every minute. If you want yo go out, don't leave the baby at home.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 12
Thank for your respond yanzalong. I must be more enjoying my situation. Yes, when I go to mall or have sone activity out side, i carry them always. you can imagine how busy. LOL. but Actually they are nice kids. I believe that someday, when i get "me time", i miss this situation.
• Indonesia
14 Jul 12
Im still single so I dont have anyone to take care of whole day, atleast for now. But Im busy with work, sometimes my boss made me brought unfinished work home, and it made me have no time to relax even on weekend. I always want to hang out with friends on weekend and just do what I can not do on weekdays, when I have free time I will ask some friends to go out, food hunting or just shopping. I think you can have ur "me time" on weekend for 2-3 hours, ask ur husband or other family member to take care ur children for couple hours, or u can just go with all family member to mall, while the children at the playstation u can relax urself in salon or shopping.