Are your friends in mylot lose you when you disappear from mylot?

@Zhizho (1350)
July 11, 2012 8:17pm CST
Hi mylotters. I love to join mylot and thanks to mylot for many benefit here. we can have many friends although only here in mylot. never meet or did not know well about them. I want to thanks for one of my friends here who ask my news when I disappear. He always send me messeges to back active. I really appriciate and now I back and really enjoying to post or response some discussion. I feel fall in love again in mylot. I just realized that I really miss mylot. Big thanks for my friend. How about you, I believe that you have same and more intresting storythan me about it. I would like to read it. Thanks a lot.
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7 responses
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
12 Jul 12
I joined myLot 4 years ago. But after a year off, I disappeared. Just like you, there are my friends on myLot, a woman also, who always reminded me to return to myLot. Finally, after three years away, this year I came back.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 12
Yes mr. hsofyan, must be glad to having friends like them. it show that they care about you. They need your thought here. it mean they recognize you. Welcome back here and nice to read your response. Thankyou sir.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 12
Yes mr. hsofyan, must be glad to having friends like them. it show that they care about you. They need your thought here. it mean they recognize you. Welcome back here and nice to read your response. Thankyou sir.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 12
wow...your friend gives a good impact for coming back here..thats great.. i do hope i can get benefit from all your discussion zhizho
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Jul 12
he?? does mean your friends that gives impact to you is man??
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 12
Ha..ha..adhyz...I did not mean and not really sure that my friends here lose me when I disappear. But as you said that my friend gives good impact for me to back here and you know who is he. LOL. anyway, thanks a lot. That is what friends are for. I hope we can share usefull things.
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
12 Jul 12
You've been missing from here too... Busy with work, perhaps?
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
Hi Zhizho! Its good to see you back here in Mylot again... like you I also become inactive here for some reason but every now and then I just can't stop myself from visiting this place, I think Mylot just found its place in my heart that i can't really leave it permanently! haha And since I am a member here for ho many years, I already found some good friends here...friends that I think are also my friends even outside mylot. Even if I am not active here, I still have some communication with them in other places like Fb and through email! Glad to know that there are some who really stays as friend no matter what!
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
28 Jul 12
Sorry I am late to comment back your response. Most of us as members mylot put this site on our heart. Visiting mylot like a daily routinity. We got many benefit. One of those benefit is get some friends. I think you are right that we have too keep communication outside this site. I will try it. Thanks.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
27 Jul 12
I do not know if my friends on myLot, will miss me or not, if I am not logged in MyLot, in a long time. But there is a friend, who sometimes ask me, why I was not online. How about you? Are you going to miss, if I'm not online MyLot, in a long time?
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
28 Jul 12
Yes. Recently, I was a lot of response, your discussion. So, I am often seen by you. I found a lot of your discussion, in my email. I responded to discussion, of a notice in the mail.
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
28 Jul 12
Me too. I did not know that they miss me or no. I just want to thanks for a friend who remind me to actif again. Since have a baby, my second kids, i did not visited mylot for along time. But when I back here, I was looking for you Indah and I just see you lately. LOL
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
12 Jul 12
Like you I was here for more than 5 years. However, I have been inaactive here in mylot and return only at the start of this year when I saw my wife participating here in mylot. from then, I was motivated seeing my earnings getting higher each day. Now, I'm just $2 away to my second cash out.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 12
Hi asdomencil. Thabks for response. Many reason for people.who inaactive so long than back again here. Honestly, until now i have no get my earnings. there is some problem. I did not understand about paypal or payment. because my husband who took me here, he will arrange it. for now, i dont care about it. I like discuss and improving english.
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• Philippines
12 Jul 12
You are right, there are many reason for being inactive here in mylot. maybe you must have paypal account now so that once you got the minimum payout, you can already have it in your account. Another good point from you is that you want to improve your english here which really helps. Good day!
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
12 Jul 12
I don't know if I'll be missed or not... So far I've always been here regularly since I joined in the beginning of the year. It is a great site to be...
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 12
hi zhizho no not really as I have been fri ends here with them for over four years.,when I was off mylot for 11 dreadful monthe they all wondered what happened and when I came back on line I got such a welcome I was cryng not from sadness but from being so touched that my friends had missed me so much and worried about me.So they found me and now I am again glad to be on mylot . My computer shorted out causing my monitor to short out so was out a month while my son rebuilt my computer and also bought me a new-to=me used monitor. led too.Again I was warmly greeted and am doubly glad to be here today July12th.