Does the spelling mistakes and short cuts I use, effect my earning?

@riyauro (6421)
July 14, 2012 3:37am CST
Hi friends, I make lot of mistakes i my posts and at the same time i use shortened words..for example, thanx, tym, and many more. Do you think that these things affect my earnings here mylot.
6 responses
• India
14 Jul 12
Hey riya,look at your post you have written as i my posts instead of in my posts.I think my lot wont delete the posts just for writing wrong spelling.Even i also do mis spells.Writing shortcuts except mee too they wont delete your posts.I saw in faqs riya they didnt mention things about shortcuts,wrong spellings.Carry on.happy earnings
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
14 Jul 12
The Guidelines are specific and say "Post in English" Anything that is shortened and would normally be used in a chat room or when texting is NOT English and if you use that language here in the discussions then don't complain when your earnings are disappointing.
1 person likes this
@riyauro (6421)
• India
14 Jul 12
yeah it states that staff at mylott are not bilingual, so have to use proper English from now on wards. Please people if do didn't know this, Know it now.
• India
14 Jul 12
In that guide lines only they have posted as every one welcome to my lot.We have users from all around the world and they are welcome regardless of their proficiency with the English language. What i understood from that guidelines is,even if you are bad at English they wont do anything.but if you use shortcuts they gonna do i correct?
14 Jul 12
i dont think so that the shortend words effected on your earnings
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
14 Jul 12
MyLot tell us to post using the English language not text/chat language. Shortened words are not English and do not show in search engines therefore they are not quality and will not earn.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
14 Jul 12
very good pint which I had no idea of. People who are new here also don't know this like me, so it is better they realize it now.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
14 Jul 12
Thanks Farrukh for sharing your thoughts. very much appreciated. have a wonderful day ahead.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
14 Jul 12
The important thing in MyLot is to concentrate on quality. How MyLot decides what 'quality' is is, and always will be, a mystery. It is best not to worry about it. There is NO 'magic formula' like "write at least three sentences" or "post more than five lines". Just be as descriptive as possible, have something to say that is worth saying and relevant to the topic. Participate in and encourage DISCUSSION rather than just 'questions and answers'. People don't mind too much about a certain amount of poor spelling or grammar but they are very often turned off by laziness and using the kind of contractions you use when texting is out of place here. There is NO limit on the number of characters, so it is unnecessary and inadvisable to shorten words.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
14 Jul 12
Oh God, this was so educational. Its like your response is a balloon which is which is small but so much air compressed inside. yes, i have decided to use no shortened words any more on mylot. I think its gives out a sign of laziness which I am definitely not. I am going to be a good girl on mylot. Have a wonderful day ahead
@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 12
I don't believe spelling matters... Its the quality of the comments and posts that matter.. Posting few words that don't give the discussion any feedback of inspirations will be deleted and you won't earn from that... Quantity as well as quality is key here. People want faadback rather than "MeToo!" you can put that and then add what you did too or how it effected you in some way.... I often misspell and use sms txt slang and still get paid for it.. Its the quality in my comments and posts that count...
@riyauro (6421)
• India
14 Jul 12
Ok Rite I did get your message quite well. thanks for explaining it so nicely and clearly. I owe you this one..thanks again and have a wonderful day ahead
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
14 Jul 12
Hey there riyauro, I don't think so, i mean i also do get a lot of those and if that is the case then i guess we are going to have a problem since most of the writers here have those teenie tiny change in writing so i guess you shouldn't worry but better try to change your ways on that.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
14 Jul 12
Thanks deodavid for sharing, What i will do is to use proper English as see if there is a change in how much i earn a day approximately.You think it's a great idea?
@muncho15 (136)
• Philippines
14 Jul 12
well i dont think so but you can always look at the FAQ because they prohibited like "me too!" comment thats what i understand what i read on the FAQ.
@muncho15 (136)
• Philippines
14 Jul 12
it says that "short messages will be deleted". but it didnt says any shortcut or bad english to be deleted or affect your earnings. just dont critisize how the other spell or how bad his/her english at.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
14 Jul 12
yeah, I did go through FAQ but could not figure this out. thanks for sharing.have a good day