Playing Cupid :-)

@ckyera (17331)
July 14, 2012 10:10pm CST
Hi everyone! Right now, I can't stop myself from smiling whenever I remember these to people that I just met here in my new place, its funny because I feel like I am playing cupid to them! They are both single but there's a huge gap in their age about 10 years I guess but they look good together. At first my friend and I just keep on telling them that since they are both single, it will be better for them to be together! haha. They just laugh on it and the girl said that the guy is just like a big brother to her... But now, every time I see the girl, she keeps on talking about the guy, haha she told me that the guy is always calling her even late at night, sending her home from church , and even picking her up when she get stranded in heavy rain... and when I tease her, she will just said that its nothing! I don't believe it! haha I think sooner or later the girl will also develop some feelings more than a brother to the guy... What do you think guys? I hope that better things will come their way and that the two of them will be together, I even offer myself to be a witness/sponsor hen they get married in the future! and I will definitely happy when it happens... How about you guys? Have you experienced playing cupid to some people around you? and what happen after that? Are you successful? Or have you been a "bridge" between two people/lovers? Kindly share your stories... Thanks and have a great day!
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7 responses
@arizen (152)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
I do not have any experience on being a matchmaker but I am happy to read your post. It definitely feels good to help people find the persons right for them. good luck. I think so too that the girl is falling for him too :)
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
Hi arizen! Yeah, I hope that the two of them will end in marriage! After all, they are both in the right age and also financially good... Its also my first time to be a matchmaker and its only an accident! hehe Welcome to mylot!
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
I've never been an official 'bridge' but have experienced somehow making two people get close to each other. It's a fun feeling. Most especially when they're just obviously shy to admit that they have feelings for each other. It's really a nice thing when two people fall in love. Even better if the relationship forms a successful marriage. :) This topic makes me smile. Have a great MyLot experience ahead!
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
16 Jul 12
Hi ck! Welcome back after a long time. I am not so clear whether your attempts to play cupid will succeed. If the girl in question considers the boy as her brother, it is difficult to develop romantic feelings specially if the guy is 10 years older to her (or vice versa). I think let them enjoy and you have already ignite the passion in girl and is anything is going to happen, it will happen soon and she will ask for your help. I've never played such a role!
@lampar (7584)
• United States
18 Jul 12
Good for you, it may work out just fine later, both of them may realize that they need each other forever after you had played your cupid role, they may decide to have you as their best woman in their wedding, you will be remember forever inside their heart and mind for bringing all these heavenly happiness to them in this earthly world.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
Hello iloemi, playing the role of a stupid cupid is fun and has full of excitement. I remember in my high school years where I played also that role and it really works but really had a happy ending since we were on our younger age and being at adolescent stage things were so happened fast and unexpectedly - talking with love interests. I never knew how they were already at their college years. Usually, they broke up and they never ended in happy ending. These past years I remembered once I played that role again but it never had a happy ending...I guess I have no luck in that role.... Mobhomeir here 071512 1616hrs
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
17 Jul 12
hi daddy mob! actually I am also not into this kind of role, what happened here is just an accident...and i didn't expect that such thing will happen, but still I hope the best for the two of them since they are both kind and active church officers...
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
18 Jul 12
Oh I see ..not really a cupid but maybe a bridge between them eloemi...nice day and keep our regards... Mobhomeir here 071812 1117hrs
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
I don't know, maybe just an angel...haha I mean messenger of love for both of them!
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
20 Jul 12
Wow, my sister playing cupid? How nice! Well, I haven't plyed that part yet. It maybe just teasing most of the time i have done. I never played being bridge between two people. oh i remember i had helped one guy in composing letter for my friend.. it just seemed the girl never liked him. So, be it. Don't force people to like you, cause t will come a time true love wll find both of you. The girl has already married last 2years if i am not mistaken. I haven't heard from the guy since we graduated college. But I have seen hm in fb that he has a girlfrend. Jst wasn't sre how long they've been tgether. You know,most of the time, i am always being in a part where my frend girl have a partner and the partner will be attracted to me. I hate being in such situations... hoefully wanting to keet single and no connection avoid trouble...
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
15 Jul 12
hello amiga Nice to see you again, it's been a long time :) Well, I remember during teenage days especially during highschool this is very common with our friends, classmates and school mates- hehe. I haven't had any chance of playing these days, but I know how exciting it is. Wish those tandem would end up in each other's arms