Do We Get Extra-Credit for Reporting Inappropriate Discussions?

@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 20, 2012 2:44pm CST
I hope not, or else we'll have members really-reading the 'Terms & Conditions' in order to 'report' every "violation" they see! (Although it would encourage admin to review every 'report,' so that they only have to reward the valid ones and can cancel and even take a penalty-fee for the bad reports )
5 responses
@Lorden (348)
• South Africa
20 Jul 12
I'm reporting this silly discussion. I'm sure I can find it violates somethingorother. Maybe showing animosity towards other members, trying to get them deleted. Shame on you.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
20 Jul 12
So ... no?
@Lorden (348)
• South Africa
21 Jul 12
"Extra credit"? I think you're confusing mylot with school. I'm appaled that anyone would want to make extra cash by deleting their fellow man. Where's your spirit of ... that thing that has to do with being on the side of others. Only have those deleted who cheat and repost the conversations of others in order to get money. I mean how hard is it really to make up your own conversation? Just talk about the weather and everyone's health, and occasionally about what your cat is doing. Aside from that, don't surf around on mylot with an attitude of finding fault. And then expecting money for it. We should all try to keep mylot safe from cheaters, out of a sense of duty to keep the world free from criminals. Not out of a sense of profiteering.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
22 Jul 12
Yessir thank you sir ... and I think the word you're looking for is "camaraderie" (like the word 'comrade,' but different enough to be hard to spell ... that was just a guess )
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
20 Jul 12
At first, I thought that we are credited for reporting violation but I was wrong. However, this will not stop me from reporting since there are still members here that does not follow the guidelines in discussion. Sometimes it takes your time to answer it then you will receive a notifiation that your response was deleted because of the violation in the discussion. I admit, I not a perfect person in this site not to commit violation, but I will continue reporting discussion that I think clearly violates the guidelines.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
20 Jul 12
You're right. They say something about 'distributing contributors' credit back' or something, but that's for everybody who participated in the discussion before it was reported.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
20 Jul 12
Oh, you're right. I guess I rehd more into some comments above than they actually wrote. Thanks for clearing that up.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
20 Jul 12
I don't like to snitch other people's business, nor I want to step on someone else's toe. I just hope that to post and reply discussions peacefully, and do my best to match the payout amount by the end of every month. I am trying to create someone's trouble here for fun. So, whether they reward credit or not, it is not my business, and I don't recommend it.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
27 Jul 12
Oh it would be lovely to be rewarded for that, we would help them more and they would help us . Anyways it would be nice but MyLot pays enough, or at least pays with so many scams online.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
30 Jul 12
Oh! If all the seas were candy & cheese, we'd all have a merry Christmas!
@jureathome (5361)
• Philippines
20 Jul 12
Well, the credit comes, when the reported post has been successfully removed, and the supposed earnings from that thread is spread out and distributed to the other members. That is why we notice a fluctuation on our earnings once in a while.