My little girl has back

@Zhizho (1350)
July 23, 2012 3:34am CST
Hi mylotters, you know, I miss my little girl for a week. but wait, she is not disappear. Sorry to named the title. She was sick for a week and thanks God, she has health now. I feel like I lost her, lost her smile, i did not hear her voice, she love singing eventhough still 16 months old.So, it become changed untill two days ago. I really miss her voice to singing and make noise at home. When she got sick, she just sleep and does not crying or fussy. She just quite and I worry about it. I have take her to docter and drink her medicine so Now, everything has back. I looking for my mistake, maybe I did not really take care her so well. it because my fault. How glad to see our children health after they got sick. How great the meaning of healthy and we often forget to take care the healthy until we get sick and feel the pain. How do you think?
2 responses
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
23 Jul 12
I can understand that... Whenever my children are sick, I always wish I could take their illness instead so they can be well. It is especially hard when the children are as young as yours...
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
23 Jul 12
Thankyou sishy for respond. Yes, I believe that all parent especially mom feel same like me. You are right, maybe because she still baby, so she coul not tell what she feel and what she want except crying or ask to carry her. so, i just pray wish her she really health now. and I try to concern more about her healthy.
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@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
23 Jul 12
I am happy for your child has recovered from illness, and healthy again. Yes, as parents, we must introspect about mistakes / omissions us, which resulted in children. But not all causes can be well controlled. Our job is to do the best for our children.