
July 23, 2012 3:37am CST
wew! i dont where and how to start... its my first time in here... so please help me guys who are been in this site for long...
2 responses
• China
23 Jul 12
I am also here for the first time, and I don't know much about this site, either. It is said we can earn money by posting here, which is the only thing I know. How much can we earn each month? I want to know the answer.
• Philippines
23 Jul 12
Hi there! Welcome to Mylot! It's nice to have new people in here. More people,means more topic to discuss. You can create new discussions here, answer others discussion, or you can do tasks. You earn more when you do more. I do all of them. I have been paid a few times by the site already and just came out to start again at mylot after being in hibernation for a few years off of mylot. Good luck on your stay here and I do hope you enjoy every minute of it.