Do you think shopping can make you forget your pain for a while?

@Zhizho (1350)
July 23, 2012 7:25pm CST
Hi. I am pregnance and I feel a little uncomfortable for the first semester. Dizziness, headache and nausea. I love to go out like lunch or go to mall for shopping. You know, I feel better. LOL. I did not feel the dizzi or nausea. Forget the pain for a while. I walk around the mall but not feel tired. it is crazy I think but I am happy. What do you think? Thanks for your thought.
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11 responses
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hi Zhizho, I believe in what you said. Based on my experience as well, whenever I walked the hallway of malls and find a good treasure, my anxiety disappears. There was a time when I felt so low because of hormonal issues due to my period I just browsed through a bookstore and my mood was uplifted in an instant. I could say that shopping for books, dresses, make ups, accessories, etc are a good mood up-lifters!
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 12
Thanks for agree with me and I think you more love shopping than me. LOL. I love shopping clothes and books. Since I have kids, Often to shopping for them. You know, here in my living place, close to many mall and we can get good clothes with cheap price. So, it easy to go there, just using a public transport.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Girls really love to shop and make it as diversion of their problems as I experienced and saw to my girl friends.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 12
Yes Ardoyo. It is not surprised thing that woman love to shopping whatever their condition LOL. as long as they have budget. because it will be problem that they could not manage well and addict. Because better to shopping when you need some stuff not because you interest one only. thanks for joined this discussion.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
24 Jul 12
I believe, that the feeling of pleasure or joy, can overcome the pain. Maybe you've heard of music therapy. By listening to music, the patient gradually recovered.
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 12
Thanks sir. After read your response so I see why shopping can make me forget the pain. The feeling happy and joy. so, the right word for some women who said that shopping is a medicine i think it is not right but the happiness is a medicine. What kind of music therapy sir? can you tell me about it?
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Shopping really makes one forget pain or problems. I am also like that. Sometimes, I indulge in retail therapy when I am stressed out or when I have a problem. It is like a form of relaxation for some people, including me. Sometimes I don't even have to buy something or anything. Window-shopping also helps relax me and makes me happy.
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 12
You are right, I agree with you that shopping is one of relaxation. especially for women I think. Shopping could make us forget about our problem. It does not matter if window shopping only. But surely, sometimes we have to prepare budget for the hobbies. LOL. anyway thanks for share.
• China
24 Jul 12
I highly approve both of your comments. I love shopping or window-shopping as well. When I feel unhappy or bored, I prefer to go to supermarket or mall to have a stroll, which could make me feel relax and be of good heart for daylong. Besides, I think online shopping is also an enjoy shopping way. Do you agree with that?
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 12
I bought some clothes and books for my kids by online shopping. Sometimes, the price more cheap than at the market.
@nixxx05 (309)
24 Jul 12
Hi Zhizho, Congratulations! :) For me, walking or shopping is not bad at you or to a pregnant woman, as long as your doctor allow you. I think it is a good exercise. Since you are pregnant, most pregnant women don't like to stay at home for too long. It is nice to know that you can walk for a long hours, just be careful then. Good luck!
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 12
Thankyou for remind me nixxx. Yes, I will be careful always. You are right that some pregnant woman would not like to stay at home. For woman who not working surely will be bored to stay at home all day long. But I must think about my stamina because surely over is not good.
@nixxx05 (309)
24 Jul 12
Yes Zhizho, you must check first your health before you engage on something you want to do. You can still go to the mall and do shopping, just make sure that you won't be tired too much.
• China
24 Jul 12
It seems that every girl like to shopping,I have a friends who just like you,when she feel unhappy she will go to all of the malls near her house and buy a lot of stuff no matter those stuff is useful or not. But as a man,shopping seems do not do a good impact to me,I just feel tired when I shopping,LOL. Usually I will go out and play basketball when I feel unhappy,that is very helpful for me,I will forget all my pain at that time.
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 12
Thanks for joined to discussion sky. I agree that most of women love shopping and shopping like the way for enjoying life or make us good feeling. but I did not agree to person who shopping and buy those atuff without thinking that is useful or not. Because I love shopping but think about it because the money not for shopping what you like only. and i know most of men love sport but there are no all men would not like shopping.
@nixxx05 (309)
25 Jul 12
I know what you call for that, shopaholic, buy stuff/things that are not useful just to have something. :) It is funny right?
@nixxx05 (309)
24 Jul 12
nice one! Shopping is for girls, I think the diversion most of all boys are hanging out or playing basketball. unlike us, girls wants something new, make over and shopping. correct me if i am wrong. :)
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
28 Jul 12
I have heard many people say no matter what your .situation getting out and walking some is good for you, and will help make you feel better and help you to feel better about yourself as well. And even if money is tight and you take time to get out and shop for a while it helpsto to make you often feel better about yourself as well.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
29 Jul 12
If we have more money, it's okay to shoping. But if we do not have the money, and forcing us to shoping, it would be bad.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
1 Aug 12
i think shopping is the hobbies for mostly of women.. it can reduce their pain or stress when they go shopping.. maybe it works to some women..but for me, one of reducing the pain or work stress maybe go to internet or play futsal..
• India
27 Jul 12
Each of them have different ways and different activities to make them good or to get relief from the pain you have and those activities varies from one to another. Shopping really gives me a good time and it helps me to change my boring time a good wonderful one. Those shopping hours becomes a wonderful one when my friends are with me. My friends takes me to a different world which brings fun,enjoyment and a good time.
• India
29 Jul 12
Hi friend, good to hear that you are pregnant, congrats for it, I think you like shopping a lot, so only you forget about your pain while you are in shopping mall, different kind of people have different interest and they forget about their worries while enjoying with their favorite things