How do you handle your schedule?

Student - A hard working student is depicted on the picture. It's part of my discussion so I chose this picture
July 24, 2012 2:19am CST
I am planning to go back to nursing school but I'll be a working student if ever. I am wanting to take my previous nursing course. I am having second thoughts though as I want to be able to know how I can crunch my time with work and study. Are you a working student? How do you handle your schedule? Are you able to cope up with everything you are doing?
4 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
8 Aug 12
Hey, I like your username! (I used to LOVE Charmed! Although Phoebe was always my favorite - he he!). I am just starting school again for the first time as a full-time worker too. Full-time school & work seems tough. But I think we can do it! Time management is definitely going to be important. I am planning on cramming Monday through Friday and even on the weekends in order to study. And even reading material during my breaks at work or before I get up for work in the morning. I think it's going to be difficult but WORTH IT! Best of luck to you!
@chelley (129)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
I tried being a working student before just to have an extra income, but it didnt work for me. I don't know how to manage time between my part time job and school. The key for being a working student is to be able to manage your time. So good luck my friend and have fun! :)
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
24 Jul 12
There is no spoon, same as a schedule. That is the only way I know how to handle things.
@monkmano (585)
• Canada
24 Jul 12
hello, first off i love charmed! i am working on a bachelors in math and i currently dont work. though i am disabled and i only take 2 courses at the moment. this is a lot for me and i couldnt handle doing everything all at once. though i am the oddball out in this matter i would still recommend to you to maybe do 4 courses instead of 5 if you are working just because it is important not to spread yourself thin youll do better on exams and be happier with less stresses. i know school is very stressful to me. good luck in going back to school and having a good time while doing so :) nursing is a great profession to go into