Money or Love.

@suzzy3 (8342)
July 24, 2012 2:22am CST
I have seen many a poor chap taken to the cleaners over love.Why do some girls think that love means expensive presents and fast cars.If you are only out for a laugh then it is up to you.So whats more important to you.what do you look for is it real love or just a good time at someone elses expense and feelings.?
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15 responses
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
24 Jul 12
Well, not all girl like that..and for sure with me money is no meaning in my love. love is pure love only, no money presentation in there. If a gal just ask you expensive present or cars, expensive meals while you are not a rich man, then you can leave..don't regret because that gal won't be a person who shares with you when you get bad problems in this life.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
You are so right not all girls are like that.Most of them just want someone to love and to love them back.You really need someone to share both the good and bad times in life.If she needs all the money spending she is not a keeper.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
26 Jul 12
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
25 Jul 12
Ya, we have many chances to find out a good soul-mate so that just ignore a bad person who wants money only.
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
24 Jul 12
I have always been for the love not the money. Money can't buy love and money is the root of all evil. I can't stand females who are looking for a "sugar daddy." I think they are the lowest of the low. The type of girl who is more interested in what you drive, what you have in your bank account and your position in the company are nothing but gold diggers, and not worthy of love from a good man. If you find love and its true love that is the best in the world regardless if he is struggling like you are. Thoses types of relationships usually stay together forever. The kind of love where you are best friends and have each others back at all times. Being in love with your best friend is 110 percent better then money in my opinion.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
You put it so well how lovely.Thank you for your response.I think a few hard times cements you together and like you say watch each others back.
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
24 Jul 12
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• United States
24 Jul 12
It's sad when a person looks for love w/out looking at the person. We all want to be loved but for the right reasons.I never fell in love w/anyone that had money, lol . I don't like to see anyone taken advantage of.
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• United States
24 Jul 12
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
We joke about finding a rich man and how good it would be,but I have a kind man and that suits me fine.
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@ckciasigurl (2081)
• Italy
24 Jul 12
Hi! Suzzy! I know that now a days we all know that we need to be practical But marrying someone because of money... And sacrifice the one tou loved I think it is useless..For me it is much important for me the person That i love not only about the money,Because even though i am poor Still i can look for a job and to be rich soon, and also i am happy and proud that the boy that u marry is i love him. Because if ever you marry a person that you dont love and you just marry him Because of the money i dont think that you will be happy,
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
I think you have put it very well.Who ever gets you will be very lucky.
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• China
24 Jul 12
its very kind of u
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• United States
24 Jul 12
yes there are a lot of girls in this world that are like that and i don't know why they are that way . as for me i don't care about all of those things. i only fall in love with them and not there money. i rather have real love because thats the only thing that could make me happy.
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• Italy
24 Jul 12
Hi pebblez! Yes thats true that not all women are like that but i know some one who will marry some one just because of money, And because she like to go to abroad i dont salute her ... For me id rather have a stable job and earn money rather than marrying Someone that i dont love ... I am contented on what i am :) and i dont need other person to Bring me up
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
You have to be happy inside and be honest how can you do that if you marry for money.Cold relationship.A stable man is what the majority of women want especially when the kids come along. A friend is also what most people are looking for someone to share everything and trust of course.
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@SharonXl (24)
• China
24 Jul 12
I am a student and I don't know what the exact love is.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
Not being able to stay away and you get butterflys in your stomach when you see the one you love.Missing them something awful.You are to young to consider such a full on commited relatonship with anyone yet.You still have to experience a bit of life,get a ect.Thanks for answering anyway
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• China
25 Jul 12
Don't mention it!I hope I can get a real love when I am graduate.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jul 12
hi suzzy what my mom would have called a gold digger, a girl who goes after someone just for whatever he can buy her. I hate that kind of stuff and pity the guys who fall for girls like that. to me love is caring for the other person so much you could not envision not having them in your life, its not about possessions or money either one. I never looked for a man to look after me financially as I worked all my life til I got married and had two children in 11 months.but I helped out by working part time whenever I could.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
25 Jul 12
You sound a bit like me,I always worked to help out the household budget and pay for lifes little extra's
@GemmaR (8517)
25 Jul 12
I don't think that you can replace love with money, even though I am aware that there are a lot of people who would try to do so. It might be fun to be with someone who has a lot of money for a short time, but it would not last in the long term if you didn't have feelings for that person, because you wouldn't love them and you would tire of having them around all of the time. My boyfriend doesn't have very much money at all, and it is hard at times, but it doesn't bother me all that much because I know that money isn't everything.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
25 Jul 12
You have to love them or life is miserable.We are normally short of money.I would rather be short of money with my husband or rich with someone else.
@angelsmummy (1696)
24 Jul 12
They sayney makes the world go round, but I say love makes the world go round. I would be lost without the love of my husband and 2 children. All the money in the world couldnt replace feeling loved and giving love!!
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
You sound really happy nice to hear.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Jul 12
That is one thing nobody can say about me. My husband came to meet me on a Greyhound bus. He just lost a job and had no money in his pocket because he spent what he had on the ticket itself. We struggled from the day we met but hey, I loved him and he loved me. To me that is all that mattered. He is my soul mate and I could not be happy with all of the money in the world without him by my side to enjoy it with...
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@suzzy3 (8342)
25 Jul 12
That is so romantic What a lovely story.
@Jenith (1381)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hi there. It depends on the personality on each individual I guess. But love itself doesn't requires to have money to buy expensive stuff to make someone happy. Love makes you already happy. *wink* But for me I'd rather have both coz I can't live by love alone nor with money alone. lol
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
A balance of both ,it is nice if you can have both.I am lucky a husband and family to love me and me them.Plus just enough to have a good time as well.
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• Philippines
28 Jul 12
Love will be better if there is money. Both of them are essential in many and different ways.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
29 Jul 12
Life in general is always better if you have a bit of spare cash to treat yourself or others
• China
24 Jul 12
Though I not a girl but I think may be I can understand what they are thinking,actually they both need material and spiritual but if they only choose one of them,most of all will choose the satisfy their material need cause in this material society without money your are nothing,in this society we all feel confusion,so we only can grab right now cause we can not predict the future.
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@suzzy3 (8342)
24 Jul 12
You are right I am a mature woman.I agree it is a confusing world and money does talk but I am talking about the rest of your life and full commitment to one person. Most of us have had a bit of fun somewhere down the line or will do.Living with someone rich just because of the money and not love. Certainly no one knows what lies ahead in life
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
6 Dec 12
The question is too broad to answer, we can not generalize that people involve with money is a sign of long lasting relationships. It is not always the case, some people who believes that loving someone is not the figure values of money.
@suzzy3 (8342)
6 Dec 12
How right you are money does not mean love.Thanks for your reply
@ptrikha_2 (46171)
• India
25 Jul 12
I think it is an individual preference- whether someone measures love in terms of expensive gifts and the amount of money someone is willing to spend on them. While there may be others, who are more interested in the amount of time they spend with their loved one. Yes, they too want a few gifts at times. Yet, money is not the first factor for them in love.
@suzzy3 (8342)
25 Jul 12
Oh yes it is always nice to get a surprise present but if there is no money it does not matter.If my husband got me a present when money was short,I would be unhappy about it