I'm Back here in myLot

@carrine (2743)
July 24, 2012 4:46am CST
heya friends, i missed in here huh? im gone like almost two years and my earnings are gone too! LOL! ... but im glad i have this spirits to post and reply to your discussions and im pretty sure also that i will be having fun here.. so see yah around then and happy posting!
7 responses
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
25 Jul 12
It is nice when you can be back to mylot after a long time...share with us where had you ever been since you could not work on mylot...
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
definitely yes i will! and im lost for 2 years almost!! gosh that long, cant imagine and im here now starting to start all over again.. hahaha im pretty sure its more fun here now! right? LOL
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
27 Jul 12
wow,,, 2years, it is so long...however it is nice when you can go back to mylot now. I am happy to read and see your discussions now.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
24 Jul 12
Hi Carrine, Welcome back. Happy to see you back and also wearing with a saree profile. Looks fine and it is an indication that you are still trying to enjoy the site the the old friends here.
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
thank you so much! and thanks for remembering me as one of your friends here. and see you around guys... keep posting as well. hahaha its more fun here for sure..
• India
25 Jul 12
Hi, I hope you are doing well and well settled. Where were you been so long. Be on myLot in the busy times also for a change. Best regards
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Welcome back carrine! It's too bad you were not able to keep your earnings but I'm happy that you are okay with it and willing to spend time again here in myLot. I do hope you'll have a great time here and that I share some of those times with you. Hope to see more of you around then. Happy mylotting!
1 person likes this
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
yeah thank you for the response of my post my friend! iam so happy and its a nice feeling inside that my mylot friends are still here. happy earning as well, yes i will keep on posting and earn. hahaha!!!
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
welcome back carrine! nice of you to come back again. hopefully, this stint will be longer than the previous one. lol! anyway, looking forward to reading your posts and thoughts here in mylot. cheers and happy mylotting!!!
1 person likes this
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
cheers indeed! yeah im so glad to see you around huh? and seems that you're enjoying your dollars huh? hehehe kidding aside.. yeah i keep on posting from now on.. go guys!!
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Welcome back and it's nice to see old members coming back. You are not alone, there are few old members who become active these few days and wish to see you more active from now on
1 person likes this
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
yeah i can see them and you're one of them huh! hehehe but are there any new rules here? new scheme about our earnings??? thanks for the warm welcome my friend. see u around then!
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
hi carrine, WELCOME BACK! It is good to know you still remember this site hope to see more post from you happy mylotting
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
hahaha its all because of you guys, i kept on receiving mails that you guys are started a discussion and i decided to go back since i dont full time job now. so here iam now started to posts a discussion. you rock my friends :)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
Been gone for a while too and now so glad to be myLotting again!I just knew that myLot is one of the things I have missed while I was kept busy by other things! LOL