An Ukay-Ukay business!

@carrine (2743)
July 25, 2012 3:46am CST
early this year i decided to put up a small ukay-ukay business. ukay-ukay is a Filipino term means second hand clothes for sale. its very sellable here in our country. since i love to dress up, iam kikay, and i love fashion. i started it a very small amount capital and its getting bigger now, and im planning to put up another stall somewhere downtown, coz my store now is within our subdivision only. Help me pray my friends that i can do it and my goal will be materialize.!!! what about you? what's your forte?
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8 responses
@riyauro (6421)
• India
25 Jul 12
you won't believe this carrine, because i also wanted to do this from so long but did not have the cash to invest. I Fiji there is a huge market for second hand clothes. We call it Paddy's. Paddy's is a second hand shop and because of that the whole idea of second hand clothing is called paddy's. Paddy is always full of people. they have very good outcome of it, since the demand is too much. I have not seen any second hand shop here in Goa where i am currently staying. And Goan people are modern people, they where all types of modern clothes not like other parts of India. So i would love to open a shop here. If fact we are planning to make out house into a restaurant and boutique. so if you could help me on this, it will be great.
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
hi there riyauro, its like this, putting a business starts a small amount will do as long as you are eager to do it, honestly i only started a P6,000 pesos Philippines money. and it became higher as time goes by. little by little of stocks will do every week, and if you have plans for a restaurant and a boutique at the same time, it will cost big money for sure. if you dont have the big cash now, start a small amount then you role the income.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
25 Jul 12
okay thanks so much carrine. I will think about it. The thing is I will have to buy the second hand clothes from other countries because India has no market here for second hand wholesale. I have been looking on the net and i did find countries like yours which is Filipines, china, Australia and many more. don't know how am gonna do it, but really want to do it. Anyway i wish you all the best your shop. May the good Lord bless you and Grant you Success.
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
oh im so sorry to hear that. i want to supply you however i dont know what type of clothes you prefer in your country. hehehehe i can be your supplier at a lower costs maybe.
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
Hello! I'm also a Filipino. Yes, ukay-ukay is an easy way to make some good and honest money. I'm also thinking of getting into it!
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
hi there, yes you start it now! earning money from a business is not that hard, its just that we need the capital, but little by little and we have to manage the business right and our income right, we can feed our family already on a daily basis. but my business cant cope up all our expenses honestly. its only for our daily needs, like food, fare, and salary for the helper.
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
hi carrine an ukay ukay shop is indeed a good business endeavor. i have something set up but i do it online. i have an online store wherein i sell clothes that i don't wear anymore. i also sell the old clothes of my daughter and other family members. initially, i gave the items to my female friend who has an online shop. i consigned my items to her. since she only had mostly female apparel, my clothes were a good addition since she can now cater to male clients. anyway, once i have set up my own online shop, i'll get the items back from her and my online shop will be an off shoot of her online shop. anyway, once i get more clothes, i'll most likely set up a physical ukay ukay shop. we have a flea market here in our village every sunday and my mom already operates a stall so i'll most likely share the stall with her. cheers and happy mylotting!!!
@maezee (41996)
• United States
13 Aug 12
Well best of luck to you! I also sell my old clothes on eBay and at local consignment shops and I make a pretty good profit on it. I also love clothes & I find very good deals on designer and nice stuff at thrift stores and consignment shops, so when I decide I don't like them anymore, I can usually sell them and make a profit off of it - make more than what I actually paid for them! Anyway, best of luck to you!!
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
Its good that you are starting to make money from your old clothes! I have a lot of old clothes in my house and we normally just donate them to the church. I think it is really nice that you are doing this! More power to you and to your business! :) happy mylotting.
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
hi there, you know what i was like that before, i gave my old clothes to our helper, to my cousins, but the time i started myuka business, i stopped it. i only give them during Christmas. and my ukay-ukay business its not all my clothes that i sell, i bought it also from the big shop of ukay-ukay also,, thanks for your response :)
@elivna04 (51)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
I'm thinking of putting an ukay-ukay shop too. Is money really good? And where do you get your supplies? Anyway, goodluck with your 2nd uka-ukay shop! :)
25 Jul 12
I was planning this kind of business, too for so long. But I would like to buy selections that's Class A so that it won't be hard to dispose. I think I should start this soon. ;-)
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
25 Jul 12
Ooohh I love going to thrift shops! I wish your shop is just near my place. I am not really a fashionista; my usual get up is white baby tee, denim pants, sneakers. I do make it up with cool accessories to spice up my simple garb. If you're so into clothes, I, on the other hand, is so into accessories and fashion jewelries.