Memory Challenge: Pick a moment...

July 26, 2012 9:47am CST
I was on my way home from work when I saw a boy sitting on a bus waiting shed. He is a freshman. What catches my attention is the thing he is doing with his polo short. He is trying to remove some dirt out if with his handkerchief. I remember when I was at his age, I also do a lot of stain removing at my polo as i am very playful with my schoolmates. I realized that there are particular memories in my head that i am not accessing for years and yet they are still there. just like an old files or photos saved in your disk that was never opened for years. it was a very clear image. the brand of my shoe, my pre-school bag, my teacher's protruding skin, the patch on my uniform as i press it with iron. so many memories inside your head that you will be amazed it is still there after many years of not accessing it. our brain is so amazing.
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2 responses
@ginggay (11)
27 Jul 12
When you look back on those memories from the past, it would surely put a smile on your face. You did things way differently back then, usually in a funny kind of way. Reminiscing the past is what i do sometimes when i need to lighten up. I look back at my happy childhood, reminisce on how we kids used to play back then on the streets. How messy we would get. Life was so simple then, yet so pleasant when relieved in my memory.
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
26 Jul 12
I also have some memories from my younger years.I am also very playful with my classmates.When time to go home,I have to accompany my two younger siblings,that we have to walk in the sides of the road in going home just to save our fares for the day.Although I just remember some good and happy memories from my pass it is very worthy to rekindle its history.