Did you ever experience peer pressure?

peer pressure - http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://acsteens.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/peer-pressure2-s600x6001.jpg&imgrefurl=http://acsteens.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/new-research-study-on-teens-peer-pressure-and-risk-taking/&h=282&w=425&sz=62&tbnid=fhlMjwEZ7T3fsM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=134&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpeer%2Bpressure%2Bimages%2Bpictures%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=peer+pressure+images+pictures&usg=__Se0ThJBAbAHusuaG2l9ElbgJ2RU=&docid=AUbmRIUTrAnPGM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1kYTUO2BDsPbmAWhl4DAAw&ved=0CFkQ9QEwBA&dur=499
@Shavkat (137238)
July 27, 2012 9:06pm CST
I met old friend recently. He was a very dear mate way back from college days. We talked about the old-school thing. Then, I feel melancholic of what had happened to him. He have a tough life after not continuing his studies, since he disengaged himself from out group. He followed the foot steps of the other group. A group who loves to play around, neglecting the opportunity to earn a degree. The outcome, he is struggling to survive. Giving advise is the best thing I could do. I told him to put the misery behind and let go the extra baggage he had.
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10 responses
@VivaLaDani13 (60541)
• Perth, Australia
12 Jan 19
@Shavkat I did deal with a bit of peer pressure when I was in high school. Some friends were trying to force me to get drunk because they were curious how I would react. Was really stupid.
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@Shavkat (137238)
• Philippines
13 Jan 19
I think it is fine. As long as we were not addicted after trying it. I had experienced this, too
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@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
Hello shav, in my high school days i was able to have a good friends and good reputations. So i dont worry about anything expect on my father side who is rude and doesnt like his sons to be on good place. Thats the only stress i have which i carry until now
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@Shavkat (137238)
• Philippines
13 Jan 19
I am sure he will changed into a new leaf in time.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
30 Jul 12
I don't think that a person would be telling the truth if they were to say that they have never experienced any kind of peer pressure in their lives. Peer pressure is often the reason that people choose to do things that are not in their best interest. For me, I was giving in to peer pressure when I was in college and that did mean that I took part in some activities that were not good for me at all. However, looking back at things in retrospect, I can honestly say that I don't regret it at all because those times that I did succome to peer pressure were important in making me the woman that I am today.
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
Yes, I experienced peer pressure when I was in high school. That's why I never really agreed with the song "high school life" since it says that those days are the most exciting and happiest. For me, it was unforgettable but lonely. It was like freedom from stress brought by peers when I finally finished it and jumped to college. Maybe because I was a transferee then from a small public elementary school to a classy private school. I don't know why but I always felt I did not belong. :( But even though I felt this pressure in high school, I was able to cope up up anyway and did not choose the wrong path. In college, I no longer had the same problem and enjoyed my life until graduation. =)
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
28 Jul 12
When I was studying, I have very few close friends so I never encountered this king of thing way back then. I choose my friends and I am not very fond of hanging out with a group. So much so, I never let anybody decide for me. I make sure that I would not be influenced by any decision or suggestion made by others most especially when it comes to my personal life. But generally, I know that a choosing the right friends do really helps.
@else22 (4317)
• India
28 Jul 12
What I experienced was not peer pressure in true sense of the term,but something like that.It happened when I took admission in a college.I was thinking of studying maths,but suddenly a boy came and started talking to me as informally as if we were close friends.He almost 'forced' me to take economics,logic and political science as my subjects.As I was a fresher in college,I could not refuse following his suggestions.Although I secured a first division in our final exam,but I still repent not taking maths then.I love maths,but now I have no time to learn it.
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
Hi Shavkat. I am glad that i made the right choice of friends. When i was in high school, my friends are the geekish ones, we helped one another on to get better in our schooling. When i was in college, my friends are those who are poor on the wallet yet rich on the talent. I dont mind being peer pressured as long as my friend help change me for the better. Peer pressure, for me is not a big deal... but the choice of friends are.
@pogi253 (1586)
• Philippines
28 Jul 12
People frequently give in to peer pressure. People are bound to need to belong, and this drives traditionalism. Peer pressure pushes both good and bad habits, depending upon the manners witnessed. People acquire from others from the time they are born, so molding how to be from seeing what others do is normal, and predictable. Still, there are glitches with dimly giving in to peer pressure.
@monkmano (585)
• Canada
28 Jul 12
Hi, I havent felt peer pressure since elementary school, i think someone in college should take their degree and their choices as their responsibility and cant blame it on 'peer pressure'. i think its his fault he is now struggling to survive. Most people in uni want to do well and try to succeed so I dont think its hard to find suitable peers. Overall it is his fault and shouldnt be complaining about it to you. He should just try to do the best he can now moving forward.
@nyssa102 (748)
• United States
28 Jul 12
No. Individuality is the only thing that matters. If someone does something that I like, then, from free choice I'll try/do it. But not just for the sake of a group. I did see a similar story to yours, and it was very sad. This guy had a lot of smarts, and wanted to 'make it' in the world. He started to take college classes, and his buddies called him names (sissy, book worm, etc.). Result? He stopped college, everything. Very sad to see that happen, very sad. I was the only one supporting his decision, but then I'm not a 'buddy' or guy. So, he listened to his peers. We are not here to sacrifice ourselves for one another in such a fashion. If somebody wishes to boss you around, you tell them that you already had parents. Always good to dump toxic people from your life, always.