do you help your collegues?

@ritzz07 (788)
July 29, 2012 4:45pm CST
hi friends i am working in one mnc.and in corporate world nobody is yours everyone think theirself in short i can say everyone is selfish in corporate and i think this is bad if you want to grow then you have to think in that way....however sometimes this doesnt work.... my question is do new help your collegue who is new in your office or who is not aware of some process or product or my office i am always ready to help my new collegues so they can not make mistakes and that is the reason everyone in my office likes me ........ if you have some different experiences in this corporate world you can share here with me.......... thank you have a great day!!!!!!!
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7 responses
• India
10 Aug 12
Yes I help my colleagues. Only to the extent I can. And only if they approach for help. I have learned from my past experiences that it is better not to help a person, if he/she is not asking for it. Because if done so the expectation from their end keep on increase.
@MandaLee (3759)
• United States
30 Jul 12
I help my colleagues. I don't expect help in return. If my colleagues help me, it is a happy surprise.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
30 Jul 12
I'm retired now, but when I was working, my office had someone train new employees.
• India
30 Jul 12
Hi friend, i agree we must help our colleagues as much as we can, if we help them, surely they will come forward to help us whenever we needed, but sadly most of the persons are selfish and don't care about others. Good to hear that you are interested in helping your colleagues and newbies, i am doing my own business and always guide my helpers in a good way
• China
30 Jul 12
Actually in big company it does every body just care what they do and seldom care about others,I have the work experience both in big company and small company so I can tell this clearly.In big company everyone will have their own target so under the pressure they will try their best to accomplish their target,every one is in busy doing this so I think it is not because they are all selfish and just because their pressure.But at small company,there are just a few people and after a few day later everyone know each other their relationship not just the colleages but also friends,so they will help each other just in the friends way.
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
let me think how will i help my collegues? for me to help my collegues is to give them work, if i have a company, so that they will earn money in the good way. and they been my friends before and they will help me to give there knowledge in the business. if i can help them send there children to school i will help but they have to a good grade in school. you know the money spent is also hard earn money. and in time of need as long i know i will help them.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jul 12
I think you have the right idea. You should be prepared that people may not return that favor, but if you expect it, you can excel from it. The thing is that often times people act as though they don't want to help someone or teach someone certain things about their job because they might take their job. I have learned that this just keeps us stuck in the same place. If we teach and open up opportunities, that gives us a chance to grow. It also makes you stand out to management.