Rewardingawys - Anybody experienced it?

@carben44 (322)
July 30, 2012 8:58am CST
Recently I joined the site, and I am absolutely amazed at how well I'm doing. I never usually join this sort of site, but something made me join. I've cashed out a few times, and I'm still earning. I know there are people out there who earn a lot from this site. If you are using it, how much do you generally earn a day? Although I'm only earning about $0.30 a day, I am also doing a few other things from time to time which earn me a nice $1 or so :)
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6 responses
• Canada
1 Aug 12
Are you talking about this site as in mylot?? if you are that is great!! it is so nice to hear that someone out there see's the amazing potential to make money here. the sad truth is however 99 percent of people who you sign up will never see that potential. In fact most will become non active. Good luck to you")
@carben44 (322)
3 Aug 12
why would I be talking about mylot after I was talking about another site??
• Canada
5 Aug 12
My bad:) I didn't see the whole headline of you're question before I responded:) The site you are talking about sounds interesting, I may have to check it out:)
@blebchel (249)
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
this is really a legit site. Anyways, they are so strict in geo-ip location so be very careful in using ip address. I was actually marked as cheater in here because of my ip address used. I was really not aware with regards to ip location that's why when I log onto the site using my mobile thru operamini browser, i got a message saying my account is marked as cheater because the current geo-IP was not matched to the previous IP on file.tsktsk if i just knew all about this, i won't encounter such problem.
• India
2 Aug 12
Thanks blebchel for sharing this important information with us .
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
31 Jul 12
I actually hadn't heard of this one until today, thanks for sharing. If anyone ever wants to share some earning links with me feel free to private message me with the information. Also, I know of 4 other sites that I can share with you in return. Thanks
• Romania
26 May 13
If you use more than one IP you will get banned. So if you have dynamically allocated ip addresses or you plan to log in from work or other places you will get banned.
@skjee10 (438)
• India
30 Jul 12
I have joined rewarding ways recently.For indians like us,there are not much opportunities to earn decent income regularly.
• India
30 Jul 12
I havent tried this site yet but will do so after hearing such comment from u about this site. btw it is somehow similar to clixsense ?