me earnings.

July 30, 2012 9:29am CST earnings are noe adding.thnks all of you.pls tell me one person can how many earnings for a montha normally...
3 responses
@riyauro (6421)
• India
30 Jul 12
what? you have to participate alot, as I see you have only (20) this you will get only $0.02 or so. so if you want to earn good you have to respond and start discussions. In 22 days i have earned $8.25. I have joined mylot 22 days now. So work hard and you will get paid well. hope i have solved your confusion. have a wonderful day.
1 person likes this
30 Jul 12
hey now i hve earned $0.23.asyou think how many dollers we can earning for a month.ok thank you
1 person likes this
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
30 Jul 12
hi riyaurao, you have earned a good money in 22 nd days, when i started earning in mylot,it takes me more than 4 months to reach payout, but you are reaching it in one month itself,so you are very talented person,good score in earning,but mylot is my gate of earning in online sites,besides mylot ,what other sites you are doing online for earnings, have a nice day
1 person likes this
@roberten (3128)
• United States
30 Jul 12
-Determine how much you want to earn each month and set that as your goal. -Determine how much time you have available to devote to posting and compare to your earning goal. -Adjust step one and two to a reasonable level, creating a more realistic goal. -Work as hard as you can to reach your goal on a monthly basic. -Re-evaluate your goals often and make adjustments to improve upon them. -Do the work; post per your goals and achieve positive results. -Always aim higher and don't be discouraged by setbacks, you can always restart and/or reset your goals. -Post, post, post, and then post some more.
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
30 Jul 12
It depend on your activities (discussion, tasks and search bar usage) plus referral activity in discussion - Your earning in discussion will added after 24 hour (server time) - Your earning in task will show after your job get approval from task creator - Your earning in search usage came randomly. Nobody know how much Mylot gonna Reward us for using search bar. Happy lotters