Will I Ever Find Love?........................................

United States
July 30, 2012 8:47pm CST
Good evening mylot family. You know, I wonder sometimes if love will come my way again. I have been single since 2008 and although I enjoy being single for the most part, I do wonder if I will be single for the rest of my life. I am climbing the (age) ladder-44 in November, and well......I am not quite old but not young either. I would like to meet someone nice and be able to enjoy him while I still have the energy. Only God knows................
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4 responses
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
31 Jul 12
I hope that you will be able to meet someone. In order to do so you have to go out and meet new people. Meet people in places that you would like to be and around the people you like to be around. You may meet someone sooner than you think.
• China
31 Jul 12
Do be afraid my friend,when the love comes,it comes.So I think what you need to do is keep a positive mood and make a good relationship with all the people around you,then there are some good guys will come to you,but I do not mean that you should just keep a wait and see attitude,when you meet some guy you like very much,then you could pursuit him as well,we should all grab the happiness in our hand,so just pursuit your happiness,my friend.
@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Surely you will, you just have to trust God. Explore and make new friends, don't be afraid to mingle and always smile. :)
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
31 Jul 12
I've been single for long time and how i wish now i could find someone who really love me.lol,anyway,recently i found a guy is cute,but unfortunately he has girlfriend and i'm a little bit sad.While,i hope that i can soon find the right one.Hope you too.