wedding vows

July 31, 2012 3:09pm CST
would you write your own vows? If so what do you think they should be like? I seen lots of weddings on the tv where people have written thier own vows, only to me they dont sound like vows at all, but more like a description of each other. An example since i first met you you have makde me so happy, you are kind gentls caring loveing etc to me a vow should be just that, something you VOW to do or not do, not a DESCRIPTION of someone a vow should be more like i vow to love you for a lifetime, to care for you and be there for you for life.... if you can see the difference and understnad what I mean?
2 responses
• United States
31 Jul 12
Yeah, I do get what you mean and I've actually noticed that before on tv shows and movies when couples read vows. I would love to write my own for when I get married but I'm just not sure how to go about doing it. But I guess you gave a good start when you said it should be something you vow to do
1 Aug 12
I plan to write my own, there arent any really for a civil partnership. I plan to just write like that what i VOW to do or not to do. It doesnt take long to write your own, just say things like i vow to love you, cherish you, be there for you...things like that
• United States
1 Aug 12
That's a really good idea though. I never knew what you were supposed to say when you write your own. Thanks for the tips, I might actually be able to write my own when the time comes eventually
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
31 Jul 12
I think the meaning of the word vow has changed a bit. I don't mind the descriptive vows either. I would actually write my own, because the pre-written ones are usually overused, cliché and sometimes even over-religious, and I'm not religious. But it would be elegant, not something over-the-top or forcedly funny.
1 Aug 12
I dont personally like the type where people make jokes in them, a little humour maybe is ok, but in my mind it is a serious commitment so i feel i should be serious in it. I am writing my own vows.