Happy to be Busy

@flapiz (22871)
United Kingdom
August 2, 2012 3:30am CST
Today is my second day on the job. I'm feeling so tired because there are a lot of datas and things to organize. But I feel surprisingly happy and grateful for I have a job. Have you tried being happy even in a stressful situation too?
2 responses
• Canada
2 Aug 12
Well I am glad that you like it! It's likely better then mine anyways and it pays, that's what is important:)
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
3 Aug 12
Well it is important that it pays. Of course we do need money to get by everyday. But the experience itself is worth it for me. At least I feel useful.
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Aug 12
A state of mind can make you rich beyond material wealth:)
• China
2 Aug 12
It it very nice that you like your job so much,it is very common that freshman who just get his/her first job will be full of energy and feel happy,as a man who had work for more than 4 years,everything is peace for me,so actually I am very admire you and pls keep your well condition,feel happy and grateful to your job is very important cause your working time account for large proportion of your time,so if you feel happy for your job that means your life will full of happy as well,that is pretty good my friend.
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
3 Aug 12
Truly well said my friend. If one loves his or her job it becomes no job at all but an opportunity for paid fun. I hope I will have the same enthusiasm and outlook as I age.