What's the best discussion?

@adnileb (5276)
August 5, 2012 9:44am CST
Been doing mylot for more than a year now but no one can beat the seniors who can make everyone read their discussions. So what is the best discussion to make in to get more attention? In order for you to attract more respondents, you should have an attractive title and when they click the title, it should have an interesting body as well. You should write because you love doing it and not because you love what you will earn by it. You write it because you have read it or experienced it and not because you just wanted people to comment. You should write based on your own experience or interest so you can keep the discussion running. In return, you will earn more. That's what I do! But what happens when I did everything but still people wasn't interested? KEEP TRYING! When no one responded, don't be sad. Maybe because they can't relate or have nothing to say. So next time you know what to do, to give more effort than the first one. Just keep trying! Soon, your discussion will be the talk of everyone on mylot! Happy mylotting everyone!
1 person likes this
10 responses
• India
5 Aug 12
May be these tips will be helpful for me in future.. ty by the way :)
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
I hope these can help. I remember the first time, I made lots of discussions and didn't reply on them. That was bad, I thought I will earn by making many discussions. Good thing seniors here are kind and they keep on guiding me. Hope you will stay here for long.
• India
6 Aug 12
Same happened to me first time lol :D will try my best to be as active here
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
8 Aug 12
Yeah, try to be active. I remember that time and I think that was funny because the next day, I was waiting for my earnings. And yes, expected that it would be big money since a lot responded. But it's not the way it works and good thing I got to the right way early. So are you having fun here yet?
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
6 Aug 12
umh, what you said is right, but sometime it depends on our luck and the number friends in your list.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Luck it is! I don't have that much friends on my list but even though the number is not much, some of them, I treat them as a real friend. That's the good thing here when you keep the conversation going, sometimes, you get the best reward --- having a friend.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
15 Aug 12
Don't worry. With the time you will have more friends. In fact all friends in my list who did add me first and i just accept their request. You can do add a friend if you want, don't worry, people in here are so friendly and we all can be friends.
@adforme (2114)
6 Aug 12
I write about what is on my mind. It is just something that I can have integrity about because it is what I am feeling. Does it interest everybody? No. But, even if you are just talking about the little things, be open to someone who can relate. So, what is the best discussion? A discussion that one chooses to present with integrity toward the subject matter and involving your honesty in the expression of a thought or idea.
@adforme (2114)
12 Aug 12
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
8 Aug 12
You're right, it's best to write what's on your mind and even though it will not interest some, as long as you wrote it with integrity and honesty, then it will be a good discussion.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
That's right. The tread of comments on a discussion you started doesn't count. Your participation earns you the reward and not how many comments you invited. Meanwhile, one should bear in mind to post discussions that catch the interest of many.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
With so many lotters, each with different interest, it's hard to catch their attention sometimes. So we better make a meaningful one. Or else, we must participate in other discussions too.
@caopaopao (12395)
• China
6 Aug 12
I am new here, I like mylot.It's really a good place. I like the topic which is related our life, I don't like the topic which is too professional, such as a kind of sports, because I don't have that kind of knowledge. But I 'm sure some people like that topic. I think it must be very hard to make everyone like your discussion. Do you think so?
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Yes, I know it is very hard to make a discussion that will interest the many. But as you will notice from other discussions, you can get a hint on what people like or dislike. Then maybe, as you learn the posting everyday, one day, you can make your own good discussion too. That's nice to hear from you that you like mylot. Keep participating so you can learn new knowledge and maybe gain more friends as you go along the discussion. Few have met each other here because we all belong to different countries. But as we interact in discussions, we are sort of getting to know each other. So in your next discussion, many will respond, hopefully. Welcome to mylot! Happy mylotting!
@cestcest (15)
• China
6 Aug 12
I guess there is not such called best discussion. However, it need to be hot topic today. what happened recently. The topic should quickly catch one's eyes.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Yeah, you're right. The discussion should quickly catch every lotters eyes.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
5 Aug 12
Its important to a good discussion to give your own views before you ask for the views of others. If you can generate some interest in your topic,your readers will respond with their views, and perhaps with related events from their own experience. This is what makes a good discussion!
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Yes, it should be somewhat realistic so that anyone can relate. Basing on your experience is a good discussion too. Hope we can create more soon. Happy mylotting!
• India
6 Aug 12
ya ! that,s true one day we will become experienced...
• Bangladesh
5 Aug 12
Yes,We should not post to earn. We should remember what information along with artistic words with artistic representation we provide must please or benefit others. Our merit will earn us not our just presence in here.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Yes, you're right. We should take time to enjoy our discussions because we learn from each other. Earnings come along the way while we participate. I think as time passes, you will notice a big change in your earnings because you enjoy what you are doing.
@nnanduri (23)
6 Aug 12
In my opinion "POLITICS" is the best topic to discuss. The discussion will be keep on going.We need to stop it, but the topic has "no-End" board.When we watch TV we can find this.The anchor will say its time up but they will be still shouting on one another and blaming each other.