Global Warming -- Worried Yet

@blummus (451)
United States
August 8, 2012 7:25pm CST
Heat waves hit Europe and parch North America, while floods inundate Asia and the Atlantic coast despite the heat. The oceans are warming and the polar ice caps are coming apart in massive floes of broken glacier. So, I have questions. Do you think that global warming and resulting climate change are real? Do they worry you? What do you think should be done, whether you believe or not?
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6 responses
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
11 Aug 12
I don't worry to much anymore because my children (all raised and on their own now) used it all up (lol). I think the best we as individuals can do is make adjustments with our own life styles. Spare time is best spent near a lake, taking showers during the day and spending time on the lowest level of the house.
@blummus (451)
• United States
11 Aug 12
I agree that we need to adapt as individuals as best we can, but don't you wonder how your kids and grandkids will fare in the years ahead? Have you considered ways to get your local utility companies to produce power more cleanly, for instance?
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
11 Aug 12
The best way to convince utility companies to "go green" is to lead by example. We opted not to buy a home with a swimming pool because of the energy consumption. What a waste! But now we can and do make the most of geothermal heating and air conditioning and heating water. Even in Minnesota that can be done. We have taught our kids to replace worry with action. Education is the purest example of this. My husband works for an alternative power production company that uses natural power for all its worth. Even trash dumps produce 100% utilization of energy by using methane gas emitted from decomposition of trash. Instruction on reuse, recycle and repurpose should be taught in our schools and not left to the parents who take responsibility. One of my sons is instrumental in helping 3M develop energy miser windows and siding for the average consumer. My husband and I have one car. It does it all for us. It's not the easiest vehicle on gas but it performs more duties than the average car. Our oldest son has developed and way to market products and companies that consumes very little energy and recycled materials. Work replaces worry. The Germans have an old saying about worry that includes picking up a hoe. Teaching our children to be more than environmentally responsible and teach their own children the same. Grandson number one is here and is well on his way to learning about the environment. Another one to put through 4 years of college!
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@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
11 Aug 12
I meant without a swimming pool. Oops
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Aug 12
Hi blummus, I feel that it has to be very difficult to deny global warming today. The question to my way of thinking, is whether or not it is too late to save life on planet earth.While we can all do our part in some small way, it is the big corporations and governments that must act now if there are to be future generations living here. It isn't just ignorance that has got us to this point, greed is the main culprit. Blessings.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
11 Aug 12
I agree, Pose, though I believe it's still worthwhile for individuals to do what they can, whether to reduce energy consumption or cut their food intake down to what's actually needed, instead of carrying around lot of extra weight. My doctor recently put me on a very simple diet and exercise regimen -- 1500 calories and 30 minutes walking every day. The calorie cut isn't drastic, and 30 minutes is enough for me to walk to the grocery store or the laundromat instead of going by bus or car, so it's a 'win' all the way around.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Aug 12
Hi again blummus, Very wise choice, we all need to walk more and eat less and it does work both ways. I agree too that we must all do our part. Blessings.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
11 Aug 12
Blessings, Pose.
@ptrikha_2 (46171)
• India
9 Aug 12
Inspite of many people disclaiming the notion and the theories about Global warming, it is a real threat. Weather patterns are changing and becoming more irregular. While it is not a simple task to reverse this fast, we can strive to conserve nature, resources and always think of better ways of using our resources- efficiency is the key.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
11 Aug 12
The consistence temperature rising in this global warming trend around the earth especially those in our arctic circle no doubt had caused our glaciers and polar icebergs melt in a much speedy manner in the past decade. The end result will be quite obvious, we will experience a higher sea level of several more feet in the next decade. Flooding will become a common scene among many naitons and land with poor irrigation and flood prevention system. There is no question our earth is getting hotter every year due to many factors, not just the accumulation of of our carbon footprints in the atmosphere. Our sun is given out more heat than ever before and our earth is in the position and angle that are at the maximum exposure to the solar ray penetration annually. Getting worry is not going to make the warming trend go away, it is going to stay for another decade before a new cycle will begin.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
11 Aug 12
If nothing is done on the human side of the equation, then human race on earth will face a quicker demise and possibly a much soon to come great flood inudate their only habitable planet in the Milky Way, the present land and ocean ratio of 30:70 in our beautiful earth may have to change into 20:80 or much worse scenario. On the side of Sun and Earth natural rotational course, it is beyond human control. Nothing much we can do to alter the degree on Earth's Axial Obliquity, its' Obital Eccentricity or Precession of Equinox to change that fate, if the Sun continue its present stage of high level of activity and remain at its peak during its full cycle, any coincide high intensity event between these two celebtial bodies within Solar system will no doubt change the course of our life in this planet forever.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
11 Aug 12
So, do you expect the temperature rise to abate, or ocean temperatures to start dropping on their own, in a decade or so assuming nothing is done on the human side of the equation? I would like to undertand where you are coming from with this.
@abitcurious (1422)
• Philippines
11 Aug 12
It's actually kind of scary. A decade ago we've never heard of global warming in our country. But now we are at the reach of its menace. Just a few days ago, our country's capital got flooded. And there wasn't even a typhoon. Just your garden variety monsoon rains. However, hundreds of thousands are affected, many are still missing and a lot of those who survived are at their wits end on how to survive the next day. But what really makes me mad is the reason for the floods--garbage blocking the sewers! It's really disturbing now, in a few years, I know that it will be more devastating.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
11 Aug 12
Yeah, the world news is calling Typhoon Saolo the worst since 2009. Iam sorry that your country is having to endure such effects.
• Philippines
14 Aug 12
Thank you for the support. Our country has the front seat when it comes to typhoons, volcanoes and earthquakes. Pretty tough spot to be in with global warming exacerbating things.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
12 Aug 12
Yes , time has change a lot , weather change too..our foolishness done goes back to our body , what we are experiencing at present is the outcome of what we are doing to our mother earth. We abused , misused nature , see now we suffered the consequences. Many lives are paying for it , In every catastrophe , hundred of lives it took , even the innocent ones used to pay. Mother nature is taking a revenge , until we stop our abusing them , she will not also stop sending her wrath. This is a waking call , when shall we start preserving , caring our mother earth , is it when it is already too late ?