How 'funny' life is..

@rawar31 (112)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
August 19, 2012 11:05am CST
I'm right now home alone sick... well not really sick. I needed time to myself so I may have exaggerated my tummy ache a bit. The entire family has gone to church- husband, son nephew, sister and grandmother, and its not that I didn't want to go to church, but more that I really needed this time alone with my thoughts and God to come up with a game plan. University starts again tomorrow and we still don't have the plane ticket money for me to return. But neither am I in a hurry to get back. I've been away from my husband and my 3 year old son for 10 months straight- most of that time without seeing their faces, only hearing their voices, and now that I get the chance to spent with them- I'm not in a hurry to get back; although medicine is my life. The dilemmas of life!I've tried and tried to get them to get to my study country to live with me oh but so much red tape with the banks and money lenders. I've learnt one thing about life though- and that is what doesn't happen in a thousand years usually happen just in one day, and also that nothing lasts forever. Our time will come- I'm sure of it. Its just that waiting can sometime suck. Any and all advise at keeping it together will be greatly appreciated.
1 response
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
19 Aug 12
Its nice to hear,and with good rapport and its amazing for sure. and the family has come to a decision and that is true ,history repeats itself,its all about being patient and delivering at the right time,i advise you with 2 simple verbs called patient and observe