After having a little one... Did you lose yourself?
By axmorales89
@axmorales89 (42)
United States
August 22, 2012 2:52pm CST
I am stay at home and between the playtime,naps,feeding, laundry and picking up the house I feel as though I've lost myself. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the life I have and I would not take it for granted for one second but I do feel That I need some "Me" back in my life. It's been almost 1 year since my precious little one was born and I thought by now I should have had my spunk back. But sadly I feel like I've let myself go. I'm sure many women experience this at one point and time of being a mother and I'd just like to know what you did to get out of that sweatpants-hair-bunned-up funk. I keep seeing other girls that I used to be like (body image wise and fierce lol)and can't help the questions in my head. Have I lost it? I look in the mirror and see a young woman who looks tired and messy. What did you do if you have felt this way if not similar?
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6 responses
@deazil (4730)
• United States
22 Aug 12
I started doing things for myself. A manicure, new hair style, gave myself a little "me" time. Bought a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne for a little afternoon treat while the baby was napping. I didn't drink the whole bottle, of course, but sipping on that one glass with the chocolates was so relaxing. I started taking some vitamins and supplements, a little B complex, vitamin E and some other stuff. It helps boost your energy. Started eating a lot of salads, too. Setting aside time to read a little, even if it's only 10 or 15 minutes. This will help to relax your mind. A book you like or a good magazine. I know it's hard to find the time to pamper yourself. But you're worth it, aren't you? And when you get up instead of putting on the sweats and t shirt put on a nice pair of jeans or slacks and a cute top. Fix your hair. Even if you're doing the same old routine, you can look good doing it. And you might feel better. And while you're dressed so cute
take the baby for a walk. Or to the library. That can be a relaxing escape sometimes. Can you get anybody to sit for a little while so you can do something for yourself by yourself or with a few friends? Give yourself a facial. Maybe your husband could watch the baby some weekend so you can get a mani-pedi? Going for a massage is very good for you, too. Try to become an expert at making yourself feel good. If you don't, nobody else will! I hope I've helped a little. Have a great rest of your day!

@deazil (4730)
• United States
22 Aug 12
No, you're not crazy. It's called being in a rut.
We've all been there but sometimes the rut is too deep for us to see over the edge and it takes another person with a little better view to give us a better perspective on how things look. Your husband has a fairly typical reaction. But you know, maybe you could make an itemized list of each thing you do all day. Like: Lunch with Camila -- 40 min., etc. List everything. At the bottom put something like Spoke with -- no one. Under that you could put Interacted with -- no one. Start the list from the first thing you do after getting up right down to when he gets home. Um, don't do it for one of the days when you're taking time out for yourself. heehee. Then nicely ask him to read it over. Sometimes people don't realize things until they see it in black and white. Tell him that's your typical day. Find out what he thinks then. Well, that's just an idea. I think it's very frustrating when one partner has a total misconception of the other's point of view and doesn't give it any validity. Isn't there any place else to walk with the baby? A local park or maybe even just around your neighborhood? When my son was small I didn't drive but we had a lot of things nearby. And when he was about 4 I started riding a bike with a kid seat on the back for him. Maybe you could do that. I traveled a lot farther once I had wheels! Thanks for the comment and I'm glad I helped. And remember your new favorite word - "me".

@axmorales89 (42)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Wow thanks so much. That really helped. I should start looking into vitamins too. It's so nice to feel like I'm not crazy. My husband thinks I have the easiest job in the world and I admit sometimes it's really nice to see her grow and learn new things but then again he's not the one getting up with her in the middle of the night. When I try and put in into perspective it's very hard for him. For all he knows I'm at home lounging and eating Bon-bons. haha.I try and tell him that he at least gets to go out a socialize with other people at work( we only have one car so I can't really go anywhere besides the local walgreens). While I don't mind the goo-goo's and ga-ga's. It's nice to also interact with other people. I guess my new walk with my little Camila will have to be to walgreens to pick out a new nail polish or something. Thank you for your advice. =]
@axmorales89 (42)
• United States
23 Aug 12
Sounds like an awesome idea! We walk around our neighborhood a lot and go to the park. I'm pretty sure I can walk the neighborhood with my eyes closed by now. Sure there is some women but they really keep to themselves when I try and start conversation. I would walk farther but past the local walgreesn there are no sidewalks for about 2 miles. That really scares me having to walk on gravel right next to all the cars. Maybe I could look up the local bus line and take that to get to places. It might be more difficult, but I'm sure there are plenty of other women who have had to do things harder. I'll see if I can invest in a bike too. That would probably be good for me as well. Thanks for your support. Its because of women like you who have responded to me that motivate me to be more positive.

@krupar5 (287)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Hello axmorales89,
I also am a stay at home mom and do not feel that you have let yourself go. It is just another part of who you are now. You are a mother, wife, friend and many other important things in life. It can get overwhelming and sometimes we just need to take a break and have "me" time. I did feel this way at first ( I have 5 kids now lol), and once I told my husband that I lost myself he has been wonderful. When I need that time for me he gives me it. I think sometimes our spouse or significant other do not realize how difficult it can be staying at home. We all need time for ourselves, so take an hour, a day, couple hours or whatever, and just enjoy being you. It is normal and fine. If you want to dress up just to go get coffee go for it, you deserve it.
@axmorales89 (42)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Absolutely. My husband is great and he would give me the time if he had it. We just got out of the Marine Corp and now he is focusing on his dream to be a airplane technician, so he goes to school and then directly to work afterwards. I can honestly say that I don't see him the entire day. So if I did want the time during the weekends I feel bad about asking for it because he studies and works so hard. =/
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
23 Aug 12
It sounds like my husband and I. He works all the time and when he isn't at his real job he has to help his dad and grandfather. I used to feel guilty when I first asked my husband, but I learned that if I didn't take time for myself I would get stressed and get angry easier and take it out on him or the kids. If your Camile takes naps, maybe you can enjoy a bubble bath and pamper yourself. Are you able to do play dates, so you can have adult socializing? It is hard, but know that you are not alone. We all have felt that way.You should also try to take time for each other even if its only for a few minutes of cuddle time. Good Luck!
@axmorales89 (42)
• United States
23 Aug 12
Haha, oh cuddle time is the best. Its that perfect moment to snuggle up right next to him finaly. I don't have any friends around the area with kids. Maybe I could search for playgroups online around my area?

@axmorales89 (42)
• United States
23 Aug 12
Thanks for your input. I actually sat down and thought of some ideas to keep me from going crazy.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Aug 12
I do believe that you lose yourself after you have a little one. My daughter is going to be turning ten years old in December and my son is going to be six years old in October and it is only now when both of them are going to school that I'm actually starting to find myself for the first time in many years. Now that they don't need me all the time, I am finding that I can start to enjoy those things that I enjoyed before my children were born.
Now, I've also discovered that I'm a much different person now than I was ten years ago and I do love the person that I am today, I just wish that it hadn't taken me so long to start to find myself.
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
23 Aug 12
Are taking some supplements and eat regular meal, that what i could see where your problem is. I had 5 kids and had to use supplements and rest a lot and play with my kids and go for walks and took naps with them. You want your me back. You can't have your old me back like before you had you little muffin, he is there and part of your life and accept it and use it as a learning time with the baby every steps he is taking because it will never come back he will be a baby only once.
@axmorales89 (42)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I completely accept that my life has changed. It's just nice to also find sometime for yourself. It's important as well. To be a happier person you must have things and hobbies that are just "yours" and no one elses and being a happier person makes you a happier mommy. I'm sure that aside from your husband being a father and a loving man to you, there must be other things he is interested (say a sport or cooking or whatever it may be) Same goes for you. There must be things that you enjoy aside from being a great mommy. Supplements sounds like a good idea and I will start looking into that too. As far as my diet, I've been on the Paleo diet (aka the caveman diet) for about a month now and I love the difference it has made. I have more energy from the foods to focus on playing with my daughter and getting the housework done. I don't want the old me back .. I just want "me"
Im okay with letting go of things that I could have normally done without a baby. Those things were not important to me in the first place. and I love seeing my little one grow up... its one of the best feelings to capture those moments. They will stay with me forever but again, That can't solely be it. You have to have some "me" time too.
Thanks for the advice.
@rizzaspeaks (391)
• Philippines
24 Aug 12
Oh! Maybe you were just feeling new as a mother. You are too focused on your baby's growth and you missed to look yourself in the mirror. But it's never too late, remember, you're a wife too:) Make up for yourself, you will be happier if you find yourself lighter in front of the mirror:)