
@Katlady2 (9904)
United States
August 24, 2012 8:17pm CST
I really need to stop asking the question, "What else could possibly go wrong?" After deciding that I couldn't go to my beloved uncle's memorial this weekend, even more went haywire. I'm having to spend more money that I'm almost out of on even more books for my classes...and I hate being broke. And the icing on the cake is that I finally got two of my pain meds (non narcotic) refilled the other night. Afterward we went to dinner, and I ended up walking away leaving the bag on the table. We weren't gone even five minutes and realized the bag wasn't with us. We ran back to the restaurant only to find that my meds and everything else were gone. Our dishes were still on the table, but no bag to be found. I think the people sitting behind us were the culprits, because when I took my med dose, the wife was watching me pretty intently. Anyway, I called the police and they gave me a report number, but they didn't even take down the information about what meds were taken or anything. So now I have to go pick up that report, then call my doctor and make another appointment, and go in to hopefully have the doc refill my meds again. But I'm not feeling too positive about that since the officer didn't take any information from me. Please...just stop the world and kick me OFF!!!! Has anything like this every happened to you?
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4 responses
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
25 Aug 12
It happened to me twice. I left my bag with some money and a mobile phone in it. On the way back from a coastal area of West Lampung, we stopped by at a restaurant to have something to eat. It was a good restaurant. Most travelers always visited this, the foods were great. When we were through, we left the restaurant. After half an hour I discovered that my bag wasn't with me, so I told my friend who was driving the car to return to the restaurant. I was sure that someone might have taken the bag. I was wrong. When we got there the owner saved the bag, feeling sure that I would go back to pick it up. The other one when I was at the bank to deposit my money. As usual, I took off my waist bag and put it on the counter desk. I left the bank without my bag on the desk. After a while I came back and saw the bank employee I was with grinned at me. He kept the bag being sure that I would be back there.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
27 Aug 12
It's good to know that there are people out there in the world that watch out for situations like that. I'm glad both incidents worked out in your favor. Thanks for sharing.
• Canada
25 Aug 12
Not with meds, but I did forget to go to the bank today. LOL AARRGGHH!!! As for the person the way she was looking at you, were it me, I'd walk right up to her, look her in the eye, and as her if she knew anything about what happened to my meds, and if she claimed she did not, then I would ask her why she was looking at me that way.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
27 Aug 12
Believe me, if she had been there I would have confronted her and her husband first thing. But...go figure...they were nowhere to be found!
@AmbiePam (91267)
• United States
4 Sep 12
Yeah, unfortuantely, the police would never get your stuff back. Not that stuff anyway. Stolen medication is like gold to so many people. I can't imagine how frustrating it is. I had my medication stolen before but I didn't call the police. I just knew there was nothing they could do. It stinks feeling so helpless. I hope they refilled your medicatin again.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Aug 12
I learned a long time ago that I should never ask what else can go wrong because if there is something that can go wrong, then it can go wrong. You know, there have been times in my life that it seems like everything is going wrong and I will almost say it, but I will always have someone to remind me that I really need to think before I finish the statement. I really hope that you are able to have some good luck with getting your meds replaced. I know that with all of the new laws that have recently gone through that this is something that could be difficult to have taken care of.
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