I Just Want To Say That I Love You........................

United States
August 28, 2012 10:46am CST
To the wonderful and beautiful giftandbags......I Love You. You have been so supportive of me. You are on a fixed income but the little you have you share. If I could be so generous! Whenever I find myself in a bind, here you are to the rescue and you will be blessed for all that you do for me and for others. I just want to let you and everyone else know how truly grateful I am. Often times in life, we don't tell our loved ones how much they are loved. Well, here you go!
1 response
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
29 Aug 12
That "sista" bond is great...it is always nice to feel appreciated and its definately expressed in this post.. Yes gifts you are exceptionally generous and your effort to help others is/will be rewarded... And I love ya also....LOL... \\Have a great day....