We just had intensity 2 earthquake

@jazel_juan (15747)
September 3, 2012 3:15am CST
Our boss who was inside his office just came out and said what was that? he said he felt the glasses moved ( his office was all glass) and then we said we have not felt it..then we saw the news and it said we just had intensity 2 earth quake. this is scaring me actually but keeping calm as it was just a low one. hoping there would be no more. I called my kids and no one felt it, all were calm.. i hope and pray there would be none. hope you guys out there are safe too.
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11 responses
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
hi jazel, Maybe it is after shock glad no one hurt and everyone is fine happy mylotting
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
it is a mild one and yes no one was hurt but still it freaks me out
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
I also saw it on the news some after shocks from the recent strong earthquake. Just be careful from time to time, the news said it will be more but I hope it is not like as strong like before.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
i am praying that it will be not that strong too my friend, let us pray for our country's safety.. and i really hope there will be tsunamis!
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
Oh. Glad all are calm! I'm also praying that there will be no more earthquake in the entire country. Few days ago, we experienced Intensity 4 earthquake and everyone was panicking and we were forced to evacuate but good thing the tsunami alerts was lifted in the midnight and we went back home. Until now, still praying that there will be no more earthquake nor tsunami anywhere! It's scary!
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
Oh yes i know some areas have higher intensity,i do hope and pray all will stop and the earth will pacify. Let us pray for everyone's safety.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
3 Sep 12
Oh my! We also experienced the first one with an intensity 7 and last for several minutes. Hope everything is fine in your place and your family as well. Take care.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
I also do hope and pray you are also safe in your place my friend. Let us pray and have faith.
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
3 Sep 12
We never felt the earthquakes that rocked the country these past few days from here in our place. After torrential rains, now earthquakes. I hope there will be no more casualties on this another disaster.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
Yes i also pray there would be no more casualties from the quakes. I read that in Samar it is quiet bad because of the quakes, i have seen the news and there were properties destroyed.
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
Two earthquakes for 3 days?! Oh my! I never felt that intensity 2 earthquake till i saw the wineglasses moving. I called my mom immediately and ask if she felt it and also asked if where she was a while ago. I pray that no more earthquakes for the next few days. God be with us all. Keep us safe always Jesus!
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
yes it is scary when you think about it but you are right Jesus will keep us safe.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
15 Oct 12
Where I live, a 2ยบ intensity earthquake will not be noticed by most of the population and certainly will not make the news. I feel the low intensity earthquakes, specially if I`m in the second floor, at my computer. It scares me a lot because you never know if it will get bigger.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
I have watched over the news last night what the earthquake had caused in some parts of Mindanao. Keep safe and let's all pray for our safety.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
yes there was and hopefully there would be no more my friend.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
3 Sep 12
Well, it is already the second time in a few days that your country is hit by the earthquake. Now to be honest I do not even know much about these phenomena, but given the frequency in which they are repeated, I came to the conclusion that the Philippine Islands are in the earth an earthquake zone. In my opinion, important in these cases is to try to never lose your temper. Just last Saturday I found out by reading the news that the Philippines have been hit by an earthquake of magnitude 7.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
Yup, that is true, we are positioned in the pacific ring of fire and those in the pacific ring of fire, it is common to have earthquakes.
@iklananda (1202)
3 Sep 12
Are you from philippine ? well i read about the earthquake and this is terrible hope every one survived. God safe you
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
yes i am from philippines and we have been having quakes.
@litvillegas (1274)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
Hello jazel My place also experience that earthquake last August 31. No infrastructure was damaged and everything is fine. I hope our fellow Filipinos in Samar are doing ok.