Holding on and letting go!

September 8, 2012 10:54pm CST
Hello mylot users. I've got a question. If we know that we have something that is weighing us down, why do you think we still hold on to that something? If we have fear we know that is weighing us down, why don't we get rid of it? What say you in these matters? I am awaiting your answers. Good day to you.
2 responses
• Philippines
9 Sep 12
It may mean a problem who I think I could not resolve alone, especially when it could be embarrassing to tell it to other. This are what I feel that those close to me have problem of there own so I do not like to add more. Sometimes I feel sad and think could not escape such things that weight me down. But, then I reflect alone in my room or in any quiet place, think of it as something like trial. Even those i could solve it or no solution at all. I just pray and think about other people who have more heavy problem than me and mine, is little as compare to them. Just thinking about it, makes me feel light. When everything feel I am losing down, I try prayer. It really works.
• Philippines
10 Sep 12
Yes, it's true prayer works and i acknowledge you for being religious. God is there where you can confide with with your worries. It's also great to meditate on yourself as St. Augustine wants us to do - introspection. It also helps a lot in conflicting with your negative self. Good day and thanks for your view.
@Shavkat (137310)
• Philippines
9 Sep 12
I don't hold on to something, and letting go is easy. I have this principle in life, if someone or somebody doesn't want me, I won't force myself. I will just let go.
• Philippines
9 Sep 12
Hello Shavkat. Many people would want to have your trait that easily lets go. I have met many people who don't seem to let go of things that are weighing them down as they always think about it. It is true letting go is easy but people would actually overreact about things to the point that they would not want to let go as they like the sensation of that feeling and would want to hold on to it as personal experience. I guess it kind of helps you sometimes though. Good day!