Internet connection is now restored!

@Canellita (12029)
United States
September 14, 2012 12:54pm CST
I just spent several frustrating days trying to get online and get things done with only spotty access, and one day with absolutely no access at all. What a drag! The new modem arrived right away thankfully, and it took very little time getting it up and running and restoring my access. These kinds of things always seem to happen at the absolute most inopportune time. I am still sorting through emails and trying to check on my online activities and get caught up, but there are only so many hours in the day. It's good to be back online! What do you do if you can't get on the internet?
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10 responses
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
14 Sep 12
Hello, Canellita. Do you mean what do I do after the screaming stops and I've given the cat a good kicking? I reach for the vodka - any excuse, and the Internet being off is a good one. I don't have to stay sober if I'm not writing. For those who don't have their irony function set to full on, let me first say I don't have a cat to kick, and secondly I don't hit the vodka at every opportunity. Okay, perhaps I do go for the vodka, but I don't kick my non-existent cat, or anyone else's. Now, where was I? Oh yes, topping up the vodka ... That's better - now I can respond properly. I lose my connection every now and again, sometimes for half an hour, other times for half a day. I tend to do jobs that get sidelined like the ironing - hell, I'll sideline the ironing for anything, but I've got no more excuses when the Internet's off. I may sort out some cupboards, or give the kitchen a good clean, but on the rare occasions when there's no housework to do - or more likely when I don't feel like doing it - I'll catch up on some reading. I just pour myself a vodka and curl up with a good book.
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• United States
14 Sep 12
I see you react about the same way I do when you cannot be internet connected. Oh, I have a dog, but I don't kick her either, though with all my carrying on I think she may think I am going to kick her, ha!
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Sep 12
LOL! I am more likely to do those "busy work" things when I have my connection intact. When I don't have it, I am too frustrated to stay focused and really accomplish anything. It really aggravates the heck out of me and no matter what else I need to do I just end up procrastinating more often than not. I do like the idea of pouring vodka though... might keep the swearing down!
• Spain
15 Sep 12
Because I'm always drawn to the computer, even when I'm not working on a writing project or my forum posting gig, I tend to put off jobs around the house, so the Protestant worth ethic kicks in when the Internet is down and the swearing's stopped. I procrastinate when the power's on. Maybe we should move in together - we'd have the neatest, tidiest house and garden in the world.
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
14 Sep 12
the roomie and I sit around and look at each other... Generally speaking if we don't have internet, we also don't have cable or phone! IF we have those two, then we know its a modem problem and I run off to the cable company to get a new one!
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@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
15 Sep 12
Well, we tend to brain storm about the problem, that means a lot of sitting and looking at each other hoping for an idea! Like the winter we had the so called "rolling" blackouts. Our house had almost no power for about 6-7 hours, it'd come on just long enough to boot the computer and go out again! However, at Maggiepie's she had nary a blip in power loss - good because she's on oxygen, but annoying because we didn't have any power from about 5:30 until after 1 in the afternoon - on the COLDEST day of the year! At least up to that point! Let me tell you, a LOT of people complained about that one! There was NO reason for the power being off because we have a lot heavier usage in the SUMMERS in Austin!
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
16 Sep 12
Just the phrase "rolling blackout" makes me want to cringe! I don't even want to think about something like that taking place here. Just reinforces the need to do at least partial alternatives like solar.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Sep 12
ROFLOL! Thanks, I needed that! Though I have to say that it might drive me crazy if it went on too long. I would have thought you would say something about creating a cross stitch project!
1 person likes this
• India
14 Sep 12
The frustration one suffers when an uninterrupted connection drops off is too much. Being online for long an then suddenly getting cutoff is an uneasy feeling. I had faced this problem some years back when some renovation work was going around our apartment.The net was down for almost a week and I felt very disconnected from the world. When I got to net again, my email box was filled with mails.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Sep 12
That's interesting; I also feel very disconnected from the world when I don't have my Internet connection. It's so crazy considering that it isn't exactly essential to life like water, oxygen, food or shelter. It's not as if I was born with having it either. I've really become dependent on it.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
17 Sep 12
I am happy to hear that you are back on line again. I will be happy to see more of you as well.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
17 Sep 12
Thanks, trying to manage time better and get more done!
• United States
14 Sep 12
What do I do when I cannot get online? I cuss and carry on! Fortunately, the only time I cannot get online is during a storm and when the power goes off. If it's daytime, I go mow the lawn or sit outside and read a book. If it's night time, I usually use a good lantern and work on a jigsaw puzzle. I always have books and puzzles going for when I am not computing.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Sep 12
LOL, how long does it take you to stop cussing and carrying on and reach for the lantern and jigsaw puzzle? I am more likely to do a puzzle when I'm not prevented from getting on the Internet. As long as I have options I am good. My computer is on all hours of the day that I am home, even when I am not sitting in front of it.
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
14 Sep 12
I have had to go without internet for awhile and it is not fun! I really dislike being away from it because I have a few things I do on here I enjoy a lot. For instance, being here! Now you'll have to try to catch up like you said and the time will go by so quickly you'll forget you were sitting there for hours already! Enjoy your new connection!
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Sep 12
Thanks! It's amazing how connected we have become to the internet and how much we rely on if for everything from entertainment to earning to treating it as a 24 hour library!
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
Good to find out you've got your internet back! It really is such a hassle when there's no internet connection. I always feel frustrated when that happens. Sometimes I have that problem wherein my siblings have internet connection while I don't!
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
16 Sep 12
When that happens, do your siblings share their connection with you? There are many public places I could have gone, but it wouldn't have been convenient.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
15 Sep 12
happy to hear that and now you can check mails with ease and also do some activities and i really get upset and feel tired without net connection
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
18 Sep 12
It's truly a relief to be able to connect whenever I want. I use the net for so many things!
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
Hi Canellita, I could imagine your frustration but it's good to know that your problem with your internet connection is already solved. My work are usually done on line especially when I am doing my work at home so it is really hard for me not to have an internet connection. But there are times when internet connection in our place can be really crappy, hence the same frustration. What I usually do during times like that is that I stay at some coffee shops that offers wi-fi connectivity so that I could finish my work. If it is during night time and all the coffee shops are already close, I will just cry myself to sleep, just kidding
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
16 Sep 12
LOL, you have been kidding, but I bet at times you were tempted to cry yourself to sleep! Thankfully I was not without internet service for very long this time.
• India
16 Sep 12
Hi friend, good to hear that you got new modem and your connection is restored, it is really hard to imagine our life without internet, since we are depending on internet for each and every activities, so we all need uninterrupted internet connection
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
17 Sep 12
Thanks! It's a good feeling to be able to connect whenever I want for as long as i need! I depend on my connection for so much communication and also looking up information.