When Clients Choose to Make Your Job Difficult

September 15, 2012 9:27am CST
"Customers are always right." This line has been the general motto of every successful businesses. You have to give the clients the service they paid for. You have to make them feel welcome and important. This line sometimes pisses me off! Especially when clients choose to be rude and abusive even when you are perfectly polite and courteous. Even when you are giving them the best service, some of them pretend to be unsatisfied, raise their voices at you, and embarrass you in front of many people. Because they are your clients, you have to fight the urge to be rude back. There was this rude client of mine whom I spoke with. I tried to remain calm and composed, kept my fake smile plastered on my face, and controlled my surging anger. He was telling me how stupid I was when in fact he was the one who had not read the guidelines and rules of the company. When he left, I was shaking with anger, tears were streaming down my face, and my breaths came as rasping gulps. I immediately went outside and bought a cigarette to calm myself. It was a terrible experience! Until now I could not forget that gentleman who was very rude to me. Although I was proud of myself for being so cool in handing him. I never thought I could be.
1 response
@zhihao12 (363)
• Singapore
15 Sep 12
Its a terrible experience definitely, but sadly it is usually the case that the one paying have a higher stand as compared to the one receiving it. That is just how the way this society revolves around. Whoever have the greater bargain rights will be the one who is right. Its uncomfortable but i guess we just have to accept it.