Chocolate benefits

September 21, 2012 2:04am CST
Many says that chocolate is not so good for our teeth. But in recent studies it has been found that it is beneficial for our mind
10 responses
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
10 Oct 12
This makes perfect sense because the feeling of contentment alone is certain to be beneficial to our mental health. Of course this has to be weighed against the detrimental effects of chocolate, which naturally includes the effect on a person's weight unless they are quite active. I must confess to being a lover of chocolate, whether as a drink or in the bar form. I am also fortunate enough not to have any problem in respect of burning the calories, so I invariable try the local chocolates in whatever country I am fortunate enough to visit.
@kimra18 (14)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Dark chocolate is good for our heart. A small bar of it everyday can help keep our heart and cardiovascular system run well. Two heart health benefits of dark chocolates are lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Chocolate also holds benefits apart from protecting our heart because it tastes good, it stimulates endorphin production which give a feeling of pleasure, it contains serotonin which act as an anti-depressant, it contains theobromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants.
@jopipay (336)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
Yes, chocolates are beneficial not only to our minds but also research shows that dark chocolates also has some benefits for skin and overall health of our body:)
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
I think chocolate has its own advantage and disadvantages. But whatever it is I choose to eat it. It'sso good to resist. But I don't like the dark one. :)
@kimra18 (14)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Dark chocolate is good for our heart. A small bar of it everyday can help keep our heart and cardiovascular system run well. Two heart health benefits of dark chocolates are lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Chocolate also holds benefits apart from protecting our heart because it tastes good, it stimulates endorphin production which give a feeling of pleasure, it contains serotonin which act as an anti-depressant, it contains theobromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants.
@akagami (250)
• Indonesia
22 Sep 12
yeah you,re right. i love chocolate it good for our brain and it can avoid you from heart attack. you will be easy to remember something.but you will be fatt also.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
21 Sep 12
Well, from what I know, chocolate is a food very energetic and has a lot of calories. There is a lot of energy that we can get when we eat chocolate. I personally I am in a state of slight overweight, I was advised not to eat it, or at least to eat very little. However, what you wrote is more than correct, in the sense that chocolate, having a lot of sugar, is really harmful for our teeth, but in fact, because of its energetic properties, it has some advantages, probably to make good the our mind.
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
Yes, it is true that chocolate is not good for our teeth. Nevertheless, your information about knowing that it has an impact in out brain, it's already scientifically proven. See, dark chocolate are good source of serotonin that is a neurotransmitter and it makes your brain more active and smarter. Other type of chocolate but not dark chocolate is not actually that good for your brain. The darker the chocolate is, the better it stimulates your brain active. Plus, eating chocolate takes out your happiness. It secretes happy endorphins that makes you as it is - happy. Good day to you, just be aware that chocolate also contains a huge amount of calories, so as it makes you smarter, it makes you fatter.
@blinjk (617)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Chocolates have a lot of benefits and it can make our brain healthy.I really love to eat chocolates but dark chocolates are healthier.Chocolates contains substances that influences brain metabolism.Chocolates have flavinoids,antioxidants and amino acids.It also helps lower blood pressure.
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
Well ofcourse it's bad for our teeth since it is too much sweetness that could give you cavities. But chocolates can also be good when you are on an exercise of gaining muscles and all. Chocolates can help you boost your stamina because of it's sugar :) Just don't eat chocolates more often to avoid the negative effects of it :D