A friend postpone his marriage

United States
September 22, 2012 11:36pm CST
A friend of mine postpone his wedding date, since he still has doubt on his fiancee's intention, whether she is for real, or she simply want a green card to stay in The U.S. A friend of mine gonna married this Vietnamese lady, but she is without any legal document, and some people, especially his relatives advice him to watch out for it. Whether she is going for the Green Card, or she is really love you the way it is. I can't make any comment last time he asked me, because I don't know his fiancee. So, anyhow, I would tell him, why not talk to her, or if she gave you any impression of she simply go for the legal status thing, hold on the marriage, and work it out other way.
10 responses
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
30 Sep 12
I agree, completely some people are just in it for their benefit. I know a lady my Dad's boss married years ago did just this. Once she was married she left him and took all his money.
@sq2108 (95)
• China
24 Sep 12
I think your friend hasn't known his finacee adequately. So why he decided to marry with her? He didn't know whether his fiancee loved him really or just for a green-card. So i think postponing his wedding date is good choice. He must know this girl more and have a more thorough considertion about his fiancee. If this girl is just for a legal status, i think your friend must be very disappointed, maybe your friend don't care.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
He needs to find out if the girl is marrying him for love or just for the Green card. It might be difficult to bluntly ask the girl about it. If he isn't feeling right about the marriage, he should not push himself to it.
• India
24 Sep 12
you advice to your friend to married because marriage is very important to man and women in life age gone its not come back
• China
23 Sep 12
if he really love her ,why he care her intention?even she has intention,i think there is no problem,why we get marriged?if we can't do the things for each other,even we can't believe each others,we can't get marriaged.
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
The problem, I think, is the fact that once she gets ahold of her own green card, divorce would be easy since she is in a country where divorce comes in easily. Here in the Philippines, getting out of a marriage is a toughie. You would literally go thru hell to get out of the marriage. If she really loves the guy, he would know. Ask her what she wants in life, what does she look forward to? But then, still beware.
@yanzalong (18980)
• Indonesia
23 Sep 12
How come a man can't find out about his girl friend's feeling? Now if she wanted to get a green card by marrying him, what would he lose? Do you think after she gets the card, she will leave him?
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
hi kp, Well you can't blame your friend for having a second thoughts cause even me if I were on his shoes I will also thinks that way but he must tell to the girl what he feels so that he will hear the side of the girl. happy mylotting
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
23 Sep 12
that might be the reason for sure,ask your friend to try again and not simply keep postponing it rather than doing it soon
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
23 Sep 12
That's already a red flag. Since she's not legally staying there, it is a big possibility that she would do anything to be legal there-including marrying someone she doesn't love. How long has he known her? Before he plunges into this, he better think 100 times.