Be Open with Your Partner

September 23, 2012 6:43am CST
A good relationship requires trust, understanding and transparency, we must be transparent about every thing with our partner and don't try to hide any thing especially in money matters, if we hide some thing from our partner and they come to know about it with or without our knowledge, surely it will be great issue to us. So don't hide any secrets to your partner. Money is having the ability to break good relationship and split the good couples. My friend's wife always seeks money from him even she don't have necessary needs, also she is interested in buying unwanted luxury items, my friend hate this activity of his wife and have frequent quarrels, due to this, she hide some of her new purchased things and expenses from his husband. He reduced giving extra money to her and she don't have the ability to give up her luxury habit, so she borrowed money from her neighbors and bought the things, she hide this information from her husband. One day the neighbor told about this issue to my friend and seek the money from him. He is very much shocked with his wife's activity. As she borrowed around 10,000 rupee from the neighbor in day by day manner and bought a lot of things like cosmetics, beauty soap, cleaning items, perfumes and so on. My friend give the money to the neighbor and told him don't give money to his wife here after for any need. He asked about this issue to his wife and she asked sorry to him, but he is not interested in living with her due to her activity. We must surely avoid this kind of hidden things from our spouse to have a good life. What is your opinion about this issue? Do you ever hide anything from your spouse?
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9 responses
@viju0410 (2286)
• India
25 Sep 12
Hi Vp, Financial understanding between the couple is as necessary as any other understanding. Your friend should have kept a note/an eye on her spending behaviour so he could have avoided the situation. No, i'm not blaming your friend nor the wife as i have seem many housewife/s love spending without planning or budgeting. This behaviour of hers is not an appreciable one too and it shows she's less responsible and not a wise money saver. Before going for separation or any other call, she should be given some more time to develop a habit of saving money and spending on the necessities of life. I think only her husband can give her another chance to realize the mistake she has committed.
• India
25 Sep 12
viju, her activity is not a good one, do you think it is a normal activity to get debts from the neighbor without the knowledge of spouse? i don't think she is deserved for the second chance
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
23 Sep 12
THis is atrocious.Your friend is the breadwinner and she is there sitting and splurging it all .THe case really merits a divorce.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Sep 12
Good for your friend1 He has taken a good decision.And serves the shrew right!
• India
24 Sep 12
kala, you are very much anger with this issue, yes, she ruined her life due to her activities and my friend is also interested in divorce, as he is not interested in living with this kind of irresponsible wife
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Sep 12
Yes I agree hiding things from each other can break up a marriage. It is best to be open and honest all the time.
• India
24 Sep 12
Hi friend, if we are open with our spouse and share every thing with them, we can avoid a lot of problems in our life
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
Things like these should not be tolerated. It is a breach of trust and confidence and would be a clear factor of breaking apart any relationship. There should be a clear cut issues with regards to things that one wants and how to make a compromise on how to settle such issues.
• India
24 Sep 12
Hi friend, we must be open with our partner and share every thing with our spouse to avoid this kind of unwanted issues
@tweetyfe (191)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
this is the important part required as partner, wheater you like it or not, do it for your partner. For being individual nothing to worry about yourself or consult what you want, anything you want you just able to do that, but after you getting marriage all consent you and your partner bonding together as one, full respect to each other, emotionall, espiritual, financial everything. The reason why if the relationship gonna be happy forever, because both side will open.
• India
24 Sep 12
Hi friend, hope you read about the content. What is your opinion about the issue discussed in this topic? do you think the girls activity is right?
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
from the topic that you have written, it is very understandable for us to know how to be open to our parents, and that's the important aspects in our life.. and all we have to do is to trust them no matter what happen in our life. thanks for the share. God Bless you!.
• India
24 Sep 12
Hi friend, i wonder really you read out this topic or not? Where parents come here in this topic? This topic is about couples. Read it out again and place your reply as comment
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
23 Sep 12
It's better to take care of that before getting married, we have to be able to live under the same roof and sleep besides someone we can trust, thus, to say anything we want, to count on them so I believe in telling everything and feeling confident on doing so. The idea of living or being close someone I cannot trust blindly give me the chills
• India
23 Sep 12
Hi friend, you are right, we must be transparent to our spouse and don't hide anything from them, thanks for your reply
@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Sep 12
Lack of transparency in financial matters is poisonous for a relationship.It may make husbands and wives in embarrassing situations and the relationship may break.Honesty and transparency are the factors that keep a relationship intact and make it long lasting.This is true not only in the relationship between husbands and wives,but also that between father and son and brother and sister.If you one day come to discover that the person you believed to be your close relative is dishonest and has been only cheating you,you have no option other than reaching the conclusion to break the all relations with him or her as soon as possible.I fully agree with you.
• India
23 Sep 12
Hi friend, you are right, we must be transparent with our close relatives as well as never do any cheating or betraying activities to the person whoever believe us, if we did this kind of things, we will face unwanted things in our life
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I agree, trust is a very important ingredient in a marriage. Top it off with money issues which is a very sensitive issue altogether. When two persons are married, they function as one unit, as family. If you start hiding things from your spouse, even small things, eventually when you get used to it you will start hiding bigger and more important things which will eventually start the issues. I also have a friend, actually it is my husband's friend who have a wife just like your friend's. She likes to spend money unnecessarily and she even gives them away to her family without mentioning this to her husband. Eventually, our friend found out and from then on, he never trusted her with big amounts of money anymore.
• India
23 Sep 12
Hi friend, all your points are good, we must be careful with this kind of spending persons