The Plight of the Elderly in Modern Times

September 28, 2012 8:44am CST
With advances in technology, the quality of our lives has improved in leaps and bounds. The Internet has certainly shrunk the world. But it pains me to see how the elderly today feel so lonely and uncared for as the rest of the world keeps busy with all the latest electronic gadgets. People leave their shores seeking greener pastures without realizing what would happen to their aged parents. It's true they can be in touch constantly - thanks to Skype, GoogleTalk, etc. But can these really be a substitute for the actual presence of their near and dear ones especially when they are ill and bedridden? Are the youngsters ever thinking about what would happen to them when they reach their seventies or eighties? Imagine how it would be like to receive an e-mail message from a friend in another country informing about the critical condition of one's parent. Are family ties becoming so fragile these days?
1 response
@namiya (1713)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
it's nice to know that there are still people like you who really cares for the elderly. You are right in this modern times cares or attention given to the elderly has greatly diminished compared to prior years. it seems too that some consider money or financial assistance would compensate for the lack of personal attention given to elder members of the family. Just hoping that to those concerned they will realize this in time and not when it is already too late.