The Van who kidnapped youths for internal organs.

October 1, 2012 8:57am CST
hello lotters, Probably you have heard the story or saw it on the news about this group of people who kidnapped kids or youth for internal organs. I live here in Bauang La Union,a sub-urban community. I'm going to relate about a true story that happens last September 27, 2012. One of my friends in Facebook shared a post from our town's page. Here is the post: Just To Inform The public. Saint Louis College (SLC) San Fernando City La Union A report from the Students Affairs Office: From the conversation with the family member of one of our College students who was victimized of kidnapping. the modus: an old woman asked the student to help carry something and requested to accompany her to an old van parked at a distant area. upon reaching the van, the student was threatened with a knife and was induced to fall asleep. the aim: internal organs the alertness and presence of mind helped him to free himself from the kidnappers, what he did - 1. he pretended to be out of conscious. 2. he took advantage of the situation that he was left alone with the old woman in the van. 3. he ran as fast as he could til he reached an area of bystanders who helped him reach his family via phone. the unfortunate event took place in the city proper of San Fernando La Union Sept. 27, 2012 5 pm. Let's be vigilant friends and be safe.
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11 responses
@riyauro (6421)
• India
1 Oct 12
I have not heard of this in a long time. when i was in my high school, there was one story come up like this. they said that there is a black color vehicle comes and takes kids and teenagers for body parts. we used to run whenever we saw the black vehicle on the road. it was very scary. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
Last year these kind of reports and stories were tackled in the program Failon Nagyon in ABS-CBN. The same story about a van who kidnapped kids. They reported that there are kids missing in Valenzuela City and there is this kid who fortunately escaped and relate the story to the media. I cant believed that its really true.
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
1 Oct 12
Maybe it is true but how can they escape like that. i don't think many can escape. One escaping i can believe but more escapes is like the kidnappers are stupid to be so careless that kids are escaping from their hands. .. This makes it look like is fake and just to gain media TRPs they showing all this on TV. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
3 Oct 12
Oh my , so this is true indeed. Thanks my friend for informing us about that. This should ought to be broadcast so everyone will now know. May be you can have it in Patrol ng Bayan?
• Philippines
3 Oct 12
you are welcome.If I may not mistaken this incident was reported at the regional news program of GMA 7 Balitang Amianan.
@rsa101 (38027)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
That is really terrible! Good thing that the victim was alert enough that he did not lose consciousness that he was able to escape. I hope the perpetrators would be captured. While they are out there the danger still lurks and our children will always be at risk becoming victim to these new scheme.
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
Helo mrsuniega, It's sad but I think this will prompt the people to be selfish and not help old women out there who are not part of such modus. these criminals, are heartless and giving ordinary people to be more heartless, cruel and selfish. I really felt bad when ever am not giving alms to the poor but if their part of a syndicate, then why bother anyways, sad if you become one of those poor, it would be horrible because people will think your part of modus and be refused helped.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
2 Oct 12
Whether your home town located in some South American countries? Or am I wrong? I heard that the kidnapping rate is high there. We also have crimes happening in the U.S.A, but I rarely heard of internal organs got robbed. Mostly are raping, and mugging case at the night time, especially around the college campus, that happen a lot. You are right, no matter where you live, please be alert, and be vigilante.
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
hi, Im from the Philippines, crimes are increasing. Some told that this are just folklore but its really true. I spoke to my niece who is one of the students at that school and she told me that this is true. Their school admin doubles their security when this happens.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
That is horrible! How can people go that low? I hope these criminals will be arrested so they will no longer threaten everyone's lives.
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
I hope also that these evil will be arrested.I could not believed that their are humans like this.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
Is it really true? I was thinking that this is just folklore because same story happened according to my parents when the San Juanico Bridge was being constructed here in Tacloban City. But according to them, bloods of the innocent one was the one being used and that it was being put in every post of the bridge! Too funny indeed...but there is no harm if we will avoid ourselves from being held by strangers and that we should always take care and be vigilant of ourselves!
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
That is scary, i can't imagine people can do that for money sake,they are so blinded by the power of money, it's better to just ignore someone asking for help then specially if there's no one around. If there's so many people around then better tell them to ask someone than them.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
2 Oct 12
mrsuniega Thank you for sharing this. I have heard vague stories about this type of event, but somehow it has never been real to me. Your post made me realize how this is happeneing in so many places. It makes me sad and I can't do anything but perhaps pray that the evil will be driven out of the hearts of these people taking advantage of innocent children.
@bembzee (768)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
That was horrible. You are right we should be vigilant about these especially many innocent kids from what i have heard had been already kidnapped and few were lucky to escape. Such acts of violence should be stop.
• United States
1 Oct 12
I am familiar with this situation. I think some who also took babies from the parents have the same goal in getting the internal organs. tsk tsk tsk!!! My elder sister witnessed this scene in Manila but she couldn't do somethings as it happened for just seconds. The van kidnappers took the child, around 4-6 years of age. As far as I know, many pepole had witnessed it but I am not sure what they did. Tsk tsk tsk!!! This is too bad! .