Public affection between Gays.Right or Wrong?

September 4, 2006 7:50pm CST
I find that seeing couples (as in guy and girl)canoodling in public rather disgusting but tend to see gay or lesbians more foul.Anyones thoughts on this?
4 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
5 Sep 06
Doesn't bother me one bit. I think people should show their affection in public. It is good to have kids see that people hold hands and kiss in public and they should not be afraid to show how much they love someone.
@aubry1 (267)
• United States
5 Sep 06
Just a simple show of affection is fine by me but if they are all over eachother gay or straight them that should be kept at home.
• United States
5 Sep 06
You are wrong on both counts. That is your problem to deal with. People, gay or straight, shouldn't have to hide their affection out of fear that someone will be offended. If you are offended, look away and look into yourself to see what's inside of you that causes your discomfort.
@deitzy (380)
• United States
5 Sep 06
it doesnt bother me....if straight couples can do tht then y cant gay couples? p.s. im straight so i dont think my opinion is biased