My 4th Article Submitted to Helium and Accepted!

United States
October 3, 2012 12:59pm CST
From Monday to Tuesday, I have been working on my next article for - Mitt Romney's foreign policy positions - I finsished by Tues. morning but since I had used a website for a source, I had to find info. on embedding links into a Word 2010 document. The directions I received from a Helium editor were for embedding links into a Word 2003 document, so I couldn't practice it on my Word 2010 program. I looked @ a lot of websites of how to learn about Word 2010 from Word 2003. I couldn't find anything specifically on embedding links in 2010. So, I went back to my article, did what I had to in embedding links, by cutting the link from my article, highlighting the word I want used & then right-clicking and clicking on the hyperlink and then doing what I've been told from the print out & the video tutorial I saw. It worked! I clicked on the linked word & the website that I got the info., appeared! I know how to embed links now into a document. I did that for every word that I wanted to highlight for a web source! I had 1425 words when I uploaded my article in the submission box in Helium, less enough to be submitted (1500 words or less) and it was sent thru once with no problems! I submitted my 4th article by 5:15 and now it's published on the website as my 3rd article!
5 responses
@abhi_bangal (4433)
• Ahmednagar, India
29 Oct 12
Yes, I can understand the efforts required to write an article. By the way, I have also been online for the past 3 years. The number of words do matter as it can make or break an article. I am not on Helium. I guess, Indian members aren't allowed there. But I found it great to read about your efforts and its motivating to work harder. Good luck!!!
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
4 Oct 12
Hello, Dcunni. I'm glad you're getting into the swing of things at Helium. You may find it easier to just embed the links when you paste the article into the box on the Helium writing page. I always do it that way. It's just a matter of highlighting the word or phrase you're using for the embedded link, then pasting the URL into the box that pops up when you hit the 'link' button.
@Anne18 (11029)
3 Oct 12
Well done, keep it up and keep us posted on what else you write about. I like ot write as well but only write on mylot?
@med889 (5941)
4 Oct 12
This is indeed very good, I was writing on helium too, i was there for 4 years and wrote many articles but then with work, kids and home, i could find very little time to spend on my writing. Instead I have developped my skills in paitings and I am planning an exposition of my paintings end of this year, so i have little time to spend on helium now. I wish you all the best.
• United Arab Emirates
3 Oct 12
Congratulations on your 4th submitted article, so glad someone finally got their writing going. How was it really, I have an account as a member with Helium but I have never found the time to write my first article there, I have been so busy with clients order. It's good you now know how to add hyper links to microsoft word 2010, the ever changing world and development in the tech world makes it quite difficult to understand the upgrades made in newer versions of software. Another way to get your earnings up is to have your friends on Mylot read your articles, it help especially if you wrote articles for the pay per view system. Wishing you the best in your writing endeavors.