TIPS for teaching a beginner in guitar.

October 9, 2012 6:41am CST
Hi, I'm a guitar teacher from where I live. I just want to share some tips that may help fellow teachers teach their students on how to teach the guitar or any other craft in general. Especially the beginners, which are always the hard ones to teach. 1. Know your student. Always identify what type of music your student wants to learn. May it be pop, rock, alternative or perhaps GANGNAM STYLE. 2. Don't intimidate students by showing off and making themselves feel good about their teacher's playing and mastery. Rather, make the students feel good about their playing. It is their stage and that's why they are in that classroom to learn and become a spankin' guitar player. 3. Teach an easy song at first, like, Happy Birthday. 4. Make sure the students understand the idea of chords and how moveable these chords are in any shape possible. I usually teach the regular E and A shaped barred chords before going through some advanced stuff like CAGED and chord spelling. 5. Make your students feel good about any accomplishment they make. 6. The teacher is in charge and is in control of the flow of the lesson. Not the student. 7. Do not let students memorize all the scales. They don't work. Instead, let them play it and let them feel it. I hope any of these will help any fellow teacher out there who's struggling with a student or something. Cool!!
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3 responses
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
9 Oct 12
Hi JijiXcebu I have been a teacher myself for over 16 past years of my life, though I have always taught computers. The points you share here are according to me the traits of a great teacher. I mean, though you mention the points about guitar teachers, I see that these should and must be followed by any teacher who wants to be a successful teacher. I would also add one more point here and hope you would agree- the teacher should not get carried away by jealousy or other vibes when s/he sees the student outperform him. I think those who believe in this -(staying away from such negative vibes) go a long way and make great teachers.
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
Hey! Thanks for sharing that too bro, I never thought of that. Yeah, teachers should take pride if the student is performing well, and in some cases, outperforming the teacher. Because that means that the mentor is doing his job well. :D
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
11 Oct 12
Thanks for the appreciation bro. Today, things have become more commercial with many teachers and it is good to see that some like us still exist who take teaching as a passion and not just a mere 9-5 job
@riyauro (6421)
• India
9 Oct 12
i do not know much about guitar but i think this is useful tips for those who know. Good one. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
Thanks!! You have a good day ahead of you too!!
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
9 Oct 12
Hey thanks a ton for such a beautiful discussion. i am so glad that i am able to learn something about guitar over here. i have always been very fancy about playing guitar and i hope i can learn at least some initial nuances that would help me play guitar. Thank u so much for posting such useful tips and people like us who are aspirants and beginners of playing guitar would be immensely benefited. What say?
• Philippines
9 Oct 12
Yeah. Just sharing!! :)