Tracking...tracing..( Cheating Man or not)? Loyal or not? Doubtful Marriage

@Magz1989 (271)
October 11, 2012 9:37pm CST
My sister got married 3 months ago and his husband is a soldier and a well known playboy....will as they said " every place replace". So, my sister started to doubt the loyalty of his husband for they see each other every quarter and as they said a man is a lustful beast. Then, this day i saw a spy camera on a watch and i want to tell my sister about it...but I'm afraid that i might just hurt her if she can get an evidence of cheating..what should i do? The truth may really hurts but it can set her free or just let it be?
5 responses
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
13 Oct 12
If you're sister doesn't have a concrete evidence yet that her husband is cheating then she shouldn't start to worry. Yes her husband is a well-known playboy but that doesn't mean that he is like that forever. There's a possibility that maybe he is a changed man.
@Magz1989 (271)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hope that he changed....thanks for the comment
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
12 Oct 12
I say let it be. But not only because the truth may hurt, you are talking about assuming something that may not be true. It seems like the both of you are going on what he has done in the past and old sayings. what if it just so happens that since getting married he doesn't do that anymore, but he finds out your sister doesn't trust him? That in itself could cause problems. If your sister believes in sayings like every place replace, she shouldn't have got married.
@Magz1989 (271)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12 is the foundation of marriage..i guess..i should just advice her to trust him....
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
i think that your sister should ask her husband first, before doing anything.. Tell the husband how she feels, and maybe your sister would know if he is lying or not.. But if she is really doubtful, i think it is okay to "spy".. but you should tell her the first advice..
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
12 Oct 12
The big mistake your sister had done was get married to the person she couldn't trust. It doesn't matter he was cheating or not, the problem is that your sister didn't trust him and sooner or later this thing will explode. I think you shouldn't fuel her distrust more with this spying camera advice, it will only get thing worst. I think what your sister need to do is learn to trust him. If she cannot do that then it would be better if they ended the marriage before it turn ugly. How do you feel if your husband/boyfriend secretly recording your every move? did you get upset or you think it's OK? If you're not feel OK your spouse spying your every move then he will feel the same thing.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
it is better she will know the truth, it may really hurt but it is for the best. i have been in a situation before wherein, i trusted my partner so much but i was not aware about it that he had also other ladies outside our partnership. he told his sister, her sisters knows about it that he doesn't love me anymore but i was made to believe that everything is alright between us because when he was with me, i can really feel and see how he is with me. he is like a best actor with regards to lies and actions. but he didn't open up to me about it,. he lied and invented stories, but as times goes on, i myself was able to discover about it, at first i would not believe, because i said to myself "maybe i am just suspecting things" but i heard and saw it myself and ask him for the truth, he told me all and it really hurts. it felt like a knife just sliced my heart and a big rock was on my chest. it was really painful, also to let go and free myself from the situation, but i believe it was for the better because if i stay and continue i will only get hurt and it can affect my self and my life really bad. so if you care about your sister, you better tell the truth than she will be not know but you can see her husband cheating on her., and just playing on her. i believe it will not stop, it is up to the guy if he really loves and cares about the woman or wife, he will change and fight the temptation and all things to hurt his wife.