How do you feel about Capcom developing the next Super Smash Bros. game?

United States
October 15, 2012 11:12pm CST
This old news but Capcom is helping Nintendo make the next Super Smash Bros. game. Me personally I'm sort of worried, but I want to know what you guys think.
2 responses
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
I have no worries that they are making a new game installment. This is good news since these types of Game developers are iconic. They gained good reputation in the digital gaming industry as they had successful history of video games that totally shaped the advancement of digital gaming.
• Calgary, Alberta
31 Oct 12
Capcom.... I love Capcom as you see I have Albert Wesker as an avatar and he is a Resident evil and Resident evil is from Capcom but Capcom have a bad reputation in the last few years and the "dlc on disk" controversy really ruined their reputation. Even who had always been a Capcom fan had been upset with their business decisions. before they were this company that listens to their fans, Now they just wanted to gett he casual audience and ditch their older fans.