
United States
October 16, 2012 5:00pm CST
I was thinking while watching one of my favorite movies... what if everything in this life we're living, is all a dream? What if we were not really here or we are but we're in a lab somewhere being studied by other people monitoring how we react to different factors. It's just a thought, something to think about. And no I am not high or anything, I was just watching "Inception" and it got me thinking. :) all in fun :)
1 response
• Indonesia
16 Oct 12
I sometimes think like that. Is this world and our experience of it a superficial or limited experience of a deeper, larger, more profound reality? What if our life on this earth is just a brief moment in a much greater existence. What if there are other dimensions of existence that we live in before and after we come to this world? If true, then our life on earth has a certain reality to it, but it pales when compared with our broader existence. Is this world an illusion? Does this world, like a magician, use some kind of misdirection to get me to focus on the more trivial aspects of existence and ignore more fundamental, more important aspects of existence?