has anyone tried the body cavitation and rf for body slimming?

October 18, 2012 10:35am CST
Hi everyone. . . Has anyone ever tried the new method for body slimming? Its called the Radio Frequency technology, salon advertisement says its completely none invasive and non surgical and it works by targeting deep layers of skin with radio waves and breaking down fat cells. They say that it only not dissolve body fats also tighten the skin. They consider this as the natural successor to liposuction and they say it works best on areas such as stomach,thighs,buttocks, arms, face and neck. I asked this because I have my own concern, my flubby arms, its the only parts that I notice its hard to make it firm and smaller. I had already lost weight and tried workouts for my arms but in my despair it stays the same. I need responses for this and try to weigh the comment before I try this method for my arms. . . thanks a lot
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4 responses
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
18 Oct 12
Thanks for posting this discussion. Well glad to hear about such treatment and i am sure it will be widely affected as it is non surgical and if it works well then it could take the entire weight loss treatment world by storm. This will also save us from any possible side effects after the weight loss treatment plans and we can get a good figure within days. What say?
• Philippines
18 Oct 12
Well . . . I think I'll give it a try. Follow my post and I'll tell my experience and results on this, starting my problematic arms. . .
• Indonesia
10 Nov 12
No , I will try body slimming later . maybe next month cause I don't have enoug money
@ztuberi (395)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Well, as long as they are sure that it is safe. And proper technicians are there to assist you, coz its an equipment, it should have safety measures. If I'm not mistaken, its still thru heat. Its like burning fats without physical activity.
• Canada
22 Oct 12
Nope, it doesn;t work. Radio frequency is an old method for body contouring. Some machine combines radio frequency and massage. It doesn't work. No need to waste your money. The one that work a bit is Zerona using cold laser. The laser will collapse the fat cells, the fat content will drain out. Your body will take it off naturally by drinking a lot of water, exercise. Zerona has been approved by FDA. However it is quite expensive because you will need several sessions. I have used it for my abdomen trying to reduce my flebby abs. It is able to shrink 5 inches just my mid abdomen. Total losses combine on my mid section is 11 inch. I paid a lot of money, because I bought 24 sessions. Since you are concern on only arm, just work it out. No need to spend so much $ just for arms. Bicep, tricep dip, push up, tricep push up, plank, will work it out. Just exercise.