Is it illegal to spank a child for his own benefit?

@jdalaqui (1073)
October 18, 2012 10:37am CST
There is a law in other countries that I guess prohibits spanking as way of child discipline. The law is law but is it a lawful law? Kids in the scripture should be trained well and rod of discipline should not be spared if it is necessary.
3 responses
@ztuberi (395)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I think the government depends on the culture of their country. And spanking should be a discipline and not an abuse. But take note that there are cases for children that spanking is not healthy to them, those who have behavioral problems. Well, I also believe, that we can discipline a child without spanking them. I have a child, and I dont know if I can spank her in the future.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Hello ztuberi, I don't know if what religious affiliation you belong but honestly, I as a Christian do not depend on the law of the land concerning child spanking as a discipline because I am adhering to the higher law which is the law of the Bible, God's holy Word. As a father of one boy, I am not sparing the rod form him. However, I do not use the Law of God as an excuse for abusing him. I love my child and I want him to grow upright.
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
18 Oct 12
I was spanked and scolded when I was a kid when I am being naughty and to be honest, me and my siblings grew up well. I am for spanking a kid whenever the situation calls for it, like when the kid talks back and being so disrespectful of his/her parents. There is a big difference between spanking and physically abusing the kid, like hitting the kid with the rubber hose, coat hanger, or back-handing them. A spank on the bottom that is painful enough to make the kid realize that if he wouldn't cease talking back to his parents he will feel it again, for me is enough deterrent. Then when he grows older, he will learn that indeed talking back isn't to be tolerated. When I was a kid, I respected and feared being spanked; I was too young to understand why I cannot extend my playtime outside with the neighbors' kids. All I know then is if I am not home before dark I will be in for some spanking. No amount of reasoning or threatening from my parents can get through my childish mind. All I know is I don't want to be spanked. When I grew older, only then did I realize that it is also for my own good. And until now, none of us can talk back to our parents. We used to not do that because we are afraid to be spanked; now we know that it is not good to treat your parents that way.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Hello Raine, thanks for sharing to us your thought. I am a parent for a little boy and it is my duty before the Lord to train him in the way he should go so that when he grow up, he will be following the proper track. I appreciate children who view the discipline from there parents as for their own benefit. You are blessed to have parents who did not spare the rod for your own good.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
18 Oct 12
Thanks for posting this discussion. Well u are right, i do not find any logic in spanking a kid for any reasons. I think kids need to be handled and groomed in such a way that they never get to see anything negative or violence in front of their eyes. Kids generally learn things whatever they see in front of their eyes and this type of violence will only breed bad things in them. What say?
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Hello Subhojit, thanks for responding here. I might be understood in my post here so I want to make it clear. If for the right reason a kid should be discipline, then spanking is just right for the child's benefit.